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3rd Reich RAD hewer by Carl Eickhorn with hanger

Род войск: NSDAP
№ Лота: ew190
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3rd Reich RAD hewer by Carl Eickhorn with hanger. Original dagger with it's original hanger. Has several rust spottings, the blade is darkened, but still a very good, marked with Eickhorn's squirrel and RADJ in triangle GES.GESCH between squirrel and triangle. Most important is the hanger is original to the dagger.


3rd Reich RAD hewer by Carl Eickhorn with hanger. Original dagger with it's original hanger. Has several rust spottings, the blade is darkened, but still a very good, marked with Eickhorn's squirrel and RADJ in triangle GES.GESCH between squirrel and triangle. Most important is the hanger is original to the dagger.

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