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Arbeitsdank-Abzeichen 1.Form, klein. Smaller version of the badge - Labor Thanks

Род войск: NSDAP
№ Лота: gi2185
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3rd Reich Arbeitsdank-Abzeichen 1.Form, klein. Smaller version of the badge Labor Thanks has been given to the members of the FAD/NSAD and later RAD. Ges.Gesch marked. Silvered brass. There is a place for the member's number with №... , but no any engravings there. Very good condition


3rd Reich Arbeitsdank-Abzeichen 1.Form, klein. Smaller version of the badge Labor Thanks has been given to the members of the FAD/NSAD and later RAD. Ges.Gesch marked. Silvered brass. There is a place for the member's number with №... , but no any engravings there. Very good condition

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