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German M16/35 helmet early M 31 liner, 1939, Schubert Werke in Brauschweig, 60/53


German M16/35 helmet early aluminum M 31 liner 1939 year dated. Schubert Werke in Brauschweig. The helmet size is 60 and the leather part is 53 marked. Very hard to find such a small size liner. Good worn condition with some period damage and period made repair  by using spare parts from another liner. Very soft leather.


German M16/35 helmet early aluminum M 31 liner 1939 year dated. Schubert Werke in Brauschweig. The helmet size is 60 and the leather part is 53 marked. Very hard to find such a small size liner. Good worn condition with some period damage and period made repair  by using spare parts from another liner. Very soft leather.

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