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Heeres or Waffen SS Pioniersturmgepaeck. Assault Engineers backpack and pouch


German WW2 Assault engineers backpack and charges pouch. Heeres or Waffen SS Pioniersturmgepaeck set of two bags. One smaller is a right side belt worn gasmask and ammo carrier, and another which is a bigger for demolition kit . They are very rare, the bigger pack for the explosive charges is extremely rare! Both are very nice condition, and was found together. Rb Nr marked. 


German WW2 Assault engineers backpack and charges pouch. Heeres or Waffen SS Pioniersturmgepaeck set of two bags. One smaller is a right side belt worn gasmask and ammo carrier, and another which is a bigger for demolition kit . They are very rare, the bigger pack for the explosive charges is extremely rare! Both are very nice condition, and was found together. Rb Nr marked. 

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