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Luftwaffe Bergmutze for officer

Род войск: LUFTWAFFE
№ Лота: gh324
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Luftwaffe Bergmütze for officer. Hard to find a Luft Bergmütze. The aluminium piping cord added by hand, as the insignia is also hand applied.  We are not sure is insignia original to the hat, but it's original itself.  The liner is artificial silk- viscose and it's fully lined with black leather sweatband around the hat's edge. Steel edelweiss flower on the left side, some minor holes around it, may be due of use. Size marked 57 1/2 


Luftwaffe Bergmütze for officer. Hard to find a Luft Bergmütze. The aluminium piping cord added by hand, as the insignia is also hand applied.  We are not sure is insignia original to the hat, but it's original itself.  The liner is artificial silk- viscose and it's fully lined with black leather sweatband around the hat's edge. Steel edelweiss flower on the left side, some minor holes around it, may be due of use. Size marked 57 1/2 

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