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Luftwaffe summer visor hat

Род войск: LUFTWAFFE
№ Лота: gh276
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Luftwaffe summer visor hat. Mid war issue. Hand embroidered wreath with zinc type eagle. White removable top a little bit damaged from the steel spring  located inside of the hat to keep it’s shape. The ends of the visor’s stitching are damaged, but we can restore it for you. Interior itself is  slightly used, but still in excellent condition. Size 57


Luftwaffe summer visor hat. Mid war issue. Hand embroidered wreath with zinc type eagle. White removable top a little bit damaged from the steel spring  located inside of the hat to keep it’s shape. The ends of the visor’s stitching are damaged, but we can restore it for you. Interior itself is  slightly used, but still in excellent condition. Size 57

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