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NKVD memeber ID document, 1941


Very interesting ID, Issued By NKVD department of Leningrad area, the owner of that ID is Politruk of 1 company of 79 destroyer bataillon of department of NKVD of Leningrad area. He can remain on the streets after the air-raid warning , and day and night can stay at the streets in the area of Petergof (Leningrads distriction), he can use all kind the communications, exclude railway, telephone and telegraph for his service purposes only, check the persons for their IDs, and arrest the suspicious persons. The owner of this ID is free from any kind of other work. Armed with Nagant revolver nr 1284.. Signed 24 July 1941 year.


Very interesting ID, Issued By NKVD department of Leningrad area, the owner of that ID is Politruk of 1 company of 79 destroyer bataillon of department of NKVD of Leningrad area. He can remain on the streets after the air-raid warning , and day and night can stay at the streets in the area of Petergof (Leningrads distriction), he can use all kind the communications, exclude railway, telephone and telegraph for his service purposes only, check the persons for their IDs, and arrest the suspicious persons. The owner of this ID is free from any kind of other work. Armed with Nagant revolver nr 1284.. Signed 24 July 1941 year.

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