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Ostfront fashion lightweight tunic made from Russian tent, 25th Art. Reg.

Род войск: HEER
№ Лота: gu565
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Very good condition, Ostfront fashion, private tailored example, made from a piece of Russian tent lightweight tunic, seems to be a mid of 1941 year example, as the sew-in straps still consist the “Ziffern” - digits show the regiment number: 25th Artillery regiment. At the beginning of the war, the unit has been added to Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 94, and later to 25 Infanterie-Division. From 22. June, 1941 they took a part in "am Rußßlandfeldzugand", began the movement from Lublin area over Bug to Luzk and Kowno. Near Zwiahel in Slucz they moved with battles to Stalinline and then marched to Shitomir and Kiew . They took part in closing the "Kessels von Uman" and then moved to Kiew battlefield. From September to November division quartered at Sumyand, then moved to Orel and then attacked Tula. In December of 1941 and till summer 1942 the Division was in defence. In August 1942 the Division took part in combat (Angriffskämpfen) over Bolchow in Uljanowo area and then, up to the end of the year in the position war (Stellungskämpfen) near city Kirejkowo northern of Bolchow. They stayed there till 1943. On June, 23 1943 the Division was reformed to 25. Panzer-Grenadier-Division. http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/Infanteriedivisionen/25ID-R.htm The tunic is in excellent slightly worn condition. Interesting item with a spirit of Ostfront!!


Very good condition, Ostfront fashion, private tailored example, made from a piece of Russian tent lightweight tunic, seems to be a mid of 1941 year example, as the sew-in straps still consist the “Ziffern” - digits show the regiment number: 25th Artillery regiment. At the beginning of the war, the unit has been added to Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 94, and later to 25 Infanterie-Division. From 22. June, 1941 they took a part in "am Rußßlandfeldzugand", began the movement from Lublin area over Bug to Luzk and Kowno. Near Zwiahel in Slucz they moved with battles to Stalinline and then marched to Shitomir and Kiew . They took part in closing the "Kessels von Uman" and then moved to Kiew battlefield. From September to November division quartered at Sumyand, then moved to Orel and then attacked Tula. In December of 1941 and till summer 1942 the Division was in defence. In August 1942 the Division took part in combat (Angriffskämpfen) over Bolchow in Uljanowo area and then, up to the end of the year in the position war (Stellungskämpfen) near city Kirejkowo northern of Bolchow. They stayed there till 1943. On June, 23 1943 the Division was reformed to 25. Panzer-Grenadier-Division. http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/Infanteriedivisionen/25ID-R.htm The tunic is in excellent slightly worn condition. Interesting item with a spirit of Ostfront!!

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