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Reichsarbeitsdienst RAD trumpet banner

Род войск: NSDAP
№ Лота: gfb035
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RAD trumpet banner in size 48*48 cm. Early variant with white silk fringe. RZM type cotton cloth used on the banner's base, Very good condition with no damage. Stripes/drawstrings for the banner are intact. It's practically impossible to find the early example. All seen are post 1938 year made with other type of embroidery on it.


RAD trumpet banner in size 48*48 cm. Early variant with white silk fringe. RZM type cotton cloth used on the banner's base, Very good condition with no damage. Stripes/drawstrings for the banner are intact. It's practically impossible to find the early example. All seen are post 1938 year made with other type of embroidery on it.

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