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SSch- 39, dated 1940 year with red star on the front


SSch- 39, dated 1940 year with red star on the front. Salty helmet in reissued condition, some repair made during the war and  the helmet has been period painted in the areas where the paint is lost. The paint stainings are visible on the liner. Completed with rare early italian style liner. Dated 1940, but faint, due of repaint. Good condition.


SSch- 39, dated 1940 year with red star on the front. Salty helmet in reissued condition, some repair made during the war and  the helmet has been period painted in the areas where the paint is lost. The paint stainings are visible on the liner. Completed with rare early italian style liner. Dated 1940, but faint, due of repaint. Good condition.

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