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Wehrmacht Artillery Waffenrock, Kammerstempel St I / A.R. 25

Род войск: HEER
№ Лота: gu696
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Wehrmacht Artillery Waffenrock, Kammerstempel St I / A.R. 25 for Oberkanonier.  Near mint, practically has been worn  just a couple of times. Big size, approx  50 european, with breast size more than 100 cm. Has traces from the  cyphers on the shoulder straps - "71". They have been removed  by regulation after 1940 year. Really minty parade tunic.


Wehrmacht Artillery Waffenrock, Kammerstempel St I / A.R. 25 for Oberkanonier.  Near mint, practically has been worn  just a couple of times. Big size, approx  50 european, with breast size more than 100 cm. Has traces from the  cyphers on the shoulder straps - "71". They have been removed  by regulation after 1940 year. Really minty parade tunic.

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