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Wehrmacht Heer. Sleeve shield for the Kuban Cossacks

Род войск: HEER
№ Лота: gi1824
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Wehrmacht Heer. Sleeve shield for the Kuban Cossacks - Kuban-Kosaken Ärmelabzeichen. This is the third pattern printed sleeve shield as introduced in late 1943, the shield with the Cyrillic characters 'КВ' which means Кубанское Войско or "KV"- Kubanskoye Voisko. It's ready to be added to the tunic, but has been never used


Wehrmacht Heer. Sleeve shield for the Kuban Cossacks - Kuban-Kosaken Ärmelabzeichen. This is the third pattern printed sleeve shield as introduced in late 1943, the shield with the Cyrillic characters 'КВ' which means Кубанское Войско or "KV"- Kubanskoye Voisko. It's ready to be added to the tunic, but has been never used

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