SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms

SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms
SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms

SA der NSDAP Gruppe colors- 3rd Reich Uniforms

Posted On December 10, 2018 by

The colors of SA der NSDAP Gruppen

The SA groups were characterized by different colors of the collar tabs( Kragenspiegel) and the cap bands ( Kepi), the same colors has been added to the colored pipings twisted with white or yellow cords used on the collar tabs, hats and collar pipings
Ostmark -the area for Frankfurt/Oder) did not wear the Edelweiss, but Südmark -Austria. The Austrian units came into being September 1938. Ostmark was renamed Oder in July 1941

Apfelgrün with white: Gruppe Thüringen; with yellow: Gruppe Pommern
Dunkelbraun with white: Gruppe Niedersachsen; with yellow: Gruppe Westmark
Dunkelweinrot with white: Gruppe Westfalen; with yellow: Gruppe Ostland
Hellblau with white: Gruppe Hochland; with yellow: Gruppe Bayr. Ostmark
Marineblau with white: Gruppe Hessen; with yellow: Gruppe Hansa
Orangegelb with white: Gruppe Elbe (Mitte); with yellow: Gruppe Neckar (Südwest)
Rosarot with white: Gruppe Südmark; with yellow: Gruppe Oder ( Ostmark)
Schwarz with white: Gruppe Berlin-Brandenburg; with yellow: Gruppe Niederrhein
Schwefelgelb with white: Gruppe Schlesien; with yellow: Gruppe Franken
Smaragdgrün with white: Gruppe Sachsen; with yellow: Gruppe Nordmark
Stahlgrün with white: Gruppe Kurpfalz; with yellow: Gruppe Nordsee

Shown example of the NSDAP collar tab wool is Schwefelgelb ( Sulfur yellow) and Rosarot ( Rosered)


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