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Ahnenpaß - 3rd Reich, the aryan bloodline passport.

Product Code: p19/2/35
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Ahnenpaß - 3rd Reich, the aryan bloodline passport. The 4 article of NSDAP regulations says:  "Staatsbürger kann nur sein, wer Volksgenosse ist. Volksgenosse kann nur sein, wer deutschen Blutes ist, ohne Rücksichtnahme auf Konfession. Kein Jude kann daher Volksgenosse sein" - Only those who belong to the German nation can be citizens. Only those of German blood can belong to the German nation, regardless of their religious affiliation. Therefore, no Jew can belong to the German nation.


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Ahnenpaß - 3rd Reich, the aryan bloodline passport. The 4 article of NSDAP regulations says:  "Staatsbürger kann nur sein, wer Volksgenosse ist. Volksgenosse kann nur sein, wer deutschen Blutes ist, ohne Rücksichtnahme auf Konfession. Kein Jude kann daher Volksgenosse sein" - Only those who belong to the German nation can be citizens. Only those of German blood can belong to the German nation, regardless of their religious affiliation. Therefore, no Jew can belong to the German nation.


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