Excerpt from the camp regulations of the SS and police penal labor camp Danzig-Matzkau:
Letters are subject to censorship.
Each prisoner is allowed to write only one letter every 6 weeks and receive one letter within the same period.
Letters must be written on a single sheet of paper, format 14.5 × 21 cm, with four pages and no more than 15 lines per page.
The sendi...
Rindeleht about Estonian Pilots, issue 7 dated July 3rd, 1943.
Professionally restored, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
"Rindeleht" Newspaper
(Frontline Paper, No. 7, Saturday, July 3, 1943, Price 10 Pennies)
Brave Estonian Pilots Awarded Iron Crosses
High Command's Recognition of Our Officers
The High Military Command has highly recognized the bravery of Est...
Newspaper in Estonian Rindeleht issue 18, dated September 18th, 1943.
Professionally restored, total 12 pages.
"Rindeleht" Newspaper
(Frontline Paper, No. 18, Saturday, September 18, 1943, Price 10 Pennies)
Stubborn Bolshevik Attacks Continue
Fierce German Counterattack Near Salerno
On the Eastern Front, fierce battles continue, and hostile forces do not cea...
Album of the Führer's personal bodyguard from the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (Führeschutz Kommando). The album has been running since the soldier entered the unit on September 10, 1936. All photos are in chronological order. The photographs show Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Mussolini, company commander Kurt Mayer (in the future commander of the 12th SS division of the ...
German WW2/Waffen SS propaganda magazine. Estonian SS volunteers magazine "PildiLeht". Produced in Estonia/Estland during ww2 period. Has many interesting pictures and articles from OstFront . 1943, Nr.1. Good condition! 24 pages We have magazines in similar condition in stock.
German WW2/Waffen SS propaganda magazine. Estonian SS volunteers magazine "PildiLeht". Produced in Estonia/Estland during ww2 period. 1944, Nr.6. Good condition! 24 pages. We have magazines in similar condition in stock.
German WW2/Waffen SS propaganda magazine. Estonian volunteers magazine "PildiLeht". Produced in Estonia/Estland during ww2 period. 1943, Nr.3. Good condition. We have magazines in similar condition in stock.