Wehrmacht or Waffen SS M 31 Backpack, mint. Unmarked, issued after 1943year. Such backpacks are found in the second half of the war as a standard marching backpack of the Wehrmacht. As in a knapsack, it contained a mess kit, personal hygiene items, and personal belongings.
German Brandflashen igniters bag for Panzerjager. Just a couple of such bags are known and are extremely rare. The long part of the strap is partially damaged and missed. The bag is made of similar to fire-resistant cloth as used on the protective German Flamethrower uniforms. The bag has been found in the box of 10 Brandflashen grenades in the German bunker near Smolensk and s...
Hitler Youth backpack marked RZM L3/284/40. Inside of it there is still an RZM tag with the inscription: Tornister nach Vorschrift Segeltuch-Ausführung (regular rucksack, canvas version) Gesetz von 12/20/1934. Uniformteile müssen sichtbar das Schutzzeichen der RZM der NSDAP. Fragen. Bekanntm. v. 16.1.1935. Reichszeugmeisterei der NSDAP. Excellent condition