Komsomol member card belonging to Bakshiyev Balache Nuistratovich. The ID was issued by the political department of military unit # 4389, June 30, 1939. The last payment of membership fees was made in April 1942. This Komsomol id was taken as a trophy by a German soldier and most likely belonged to a soldier who is most probably KIA/ MIA. According to archival information, he i...
Certificate issued By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union Comrade Stalin of February 11, 1945, No. 273, for excellent combat actions in forcing the Oder River northwest of Breslau and breaking through the German defences on the western bank of the river, the troops of the unit in which you serve were thanked. You, as a participant in these battl...
Soviet hard cover for communist party card sized 11 x 8 cm. ВКП(б) means All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
A unique lot of documents for a Latvian in the Red Army. ID of the highest authority of the Voronezh Executive Committee, a certificate of graduation from the Communist University named after Sverdlov, graduating in 1925, a certificate of the People's Commissariat of Railways for the engineer-major of the administrative service Libet Yakov Vasilyevich. He is in the position of ...
Issued to Kozyrskikh Pelageya Alexandrovna by the transport department of the South Ural Railway of the NKVD of the USSR.
Size 8.5 x 6.5 cm.
Issued to Ludwig Rosenauer from Oberschlierbach on June 17, 1946.
Remarkable typo on the cover where "IdenDitätsauswes" is written instead of "IdenTitätsausweis".
The book was issued to Ponomarev Nikolai Elpidiforovich on June 25, 1942, who performed 37 parachute jumps in 1941-1942.
Guards Senior Lieutenant, Head of the supply of the 29th Guards Airborne Rifle Regiment of the 7th Guards Airborne Cherkasy Red Banner Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Division
There is minor damage.
Military service book of the NKVD reserve person from the 1930s. Not filled.
Certificate of the transport department of the NKGB of the Latvian Railway. Issued to Lieutenant of state security Evgeny Ivanovich Bogdanovsky, who was in the service of the transport department of the NKGB of the Latvian Railway as deputy head of the department. Issued January 3, 1945. Extreme rare!
Certificate of the transport department of the NKVD of the South Ural Railway. Issued to state security sergeant Evgeny Ivanovich Bogdanovsky, who was in the service of the transport department of the NKVD of the South Ural Railway as an operative investigation head. Issued on August 20, 1942. Extremely rare to find original NKVD document our days.
Soviet Coupons for cash issuance to the awarded person, valid with the award certificate only. Size: 7,5х11cm
Red Navy female service book. Issued for private Zyuzina Nina Petrovna, telephone operator from the School of Communication U.O.K.B.F. Has many different records and inscriptions inside. For example, list of issued personal items: a mug, a spoon, a rifle, a gas mask and women's uniforms: a dress - two pieces, a sundress -one, two towels and etc. At the end of the wa...
ID Certificate. The militia department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Latvian SSR, series VU 673, issued to militia captain Fyodor Safronovich Dubikov, who was in service of the militia department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a head of the militia department of Riga. The certificate was issued on October 26, 1948.
ID certificate of the transport department of the NKVD on the L. M. Kaganovich Railway issued to the junior lieutenant of state security Samosadkin Vasily Petrovich who was in service at the transport department of the NKVD on "L.M. Kaganovich Railway". The certificate was signed by the head of the transport department of the NKVD (railway branch). The certificate was iss...
Certificate of a member of the All-union Athletic-Sports Society "DYNAMO". Issued to the Samosadkin Vasily Petrovich - NKVD officer (check his other personal ID doc we have for sale - lot #rp619), born and living in the Sverdlovsk Region, city of Sverdlovsk, born in 1916, member of the Dynamo Society since 1940. The document certified by the signature of the Executi...
Office of the NKVD in the Semipalatinsk region. NKVD of the Kazakh SSR, Certificate No. 503 issued to Styrina Rita Petrovna, that she is a chief of the Sports Society "Dynamo" Signed by the chief of maintenance dep of UNKVD Spiridonov.
Historical note: The "Dynamo" society was officially created on 18 April 1923, on Felix Dzerzhinsky's initiative and under the sponsorship of...
Personal Case for RKKA officer, politruk (political commisar) Grygoryan Grygory Petrosovich. 25 sheets of paper, 8 of them are ww2 period dated. The case was issued in 1958.
Spanish card UGT Union General de Trabajadores de Madrid. Spanish union of the workers and the patch. Both in good condition.
Soviet pre-war pay book issued to Brotsky Wulf Leiba son, nationality - Jew. Notes: has been imprisoned for 3 years by OGPU of Belorussian Soviet Republic in 1932 year for illegal crossing the Russian-Poland boarder. Probably he did that crime special to avoid service in Red Army. Excellent condition
Pre-war or early WW2 made capsule for ID paper tag. Was in use mostly at the beginning of the war. Inside should be rolled piece of paper with soldiers full name, home address and relative's contact information. Most soldiers never filled them and keep empty, because of superstition. They thought that if they filled it out they will be killed for sure in...
Soviet Communists party membership ID books leather cover issued for Estonian branch member. All pressed inscriptions are made in Estonian language. Unique item.
WW2 military certificate issued to colonel Summar S.P. Shows that he got from Chief of the armored troops of South Army group general-lieutenant PAVELKIN direction trophy motorcycle to his property. The document dated 1946. Good condition.
Red Army / Soviet Russian. Pension book for officer of reserve. Late type, good condition.