Luftwaffe Pilot Badge in Case, C. E. Juncker (Luftwaffe Flugzeugführerabzeichen)
Original Luftwaffe Pilot Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen) in mint condition, manufactured by C. E. Juncker.
The badge is made of buntmetall, featuring an oval oak wreath with a superimposed eagle clutching a swastika. It showcases the detailed craftsmanship characteristic of Juncker.
The or...
Gemeinsames Flugzeugführer- und Beobachterabzeichen – Juncker
A Combined Pilot and Observer Badge in buntmetal, manufactured by CEJ. The eagle is silver-plated, and the wreath is gilded. The reverse of the eagle bears the maker's mark C. E. Juncker Berlin SW.
The badge is in excellent condition with a well-preserved finish. The eagle and raised details are polished,...
A Luftwaffe Short Range Day Fighter Clasp - Gold Grade - in zinc, with all the gold wash darkened. The pendant's hooks has been removed. Frontflugspange für Jagdflieger in Gold
Luftwaffe Bomber Pilot, clasp - Gold grade. Buntmetall. The badge was made in tombak, previously it had a pendant on which the flight count should have been indicated, but the fastening was cut off for some reason. The badge has traces of use and the gold plating is practically worn off, in the photos the badge looks generally white, although it has retained a fairly decent par...
Bomber Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe gold grade Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Gold, excellent condition gilded bronze made badge. Very good condition, patina
Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge "G.B. Brehmer." Without markings. Excellent condition, in patina. The badge is signed by the owner on the reverse.
Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge - Fallschirmschützenabzeichen - produced by Steinhauer und Lueck. Eagle and wreath fully made of aluminum. Unmarked. Traces of wear, but still a lot of gold finish left intact. Really nice and rare German Paratrooper Badge.
Luftwaffe Flak Badge - Flak Kampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe.
Unknown maker, late war zinc made type, retains most of it's back silver finish. Good condition.
Luftwaffe Schützenschur 6th class for anti-aircraft artillery. The shooting cords of grades 1-4 are blue, whereas the cords of grades 5 are silver, braided with gray-blue threads, and adorned with a zinc badge with a wreath of oak leaves, and a pendant resembling a projectile. All pins of the badge have been broken and it's attached to the backing with threads.
Luftwaffe paratrooper badge embroidered version. The badge has traces of use, very neatly and elegantly lined with cloth.
Luftwaffe paratrooper's badge Steinhauer & Lück Fallschirmschützenabzeichen. The badge has a manufacturing defect: a small piece is missing from the top ray of the swastika. Otherwise, the badge is in excellent condition. No markings, but a typical from the S&L factory.
Fallschirmschützenabzeichen Osang Dresden. The eagle is made of Buntmetall coated in white silver, the wreath is made of Kriegsmetal with silver plating. Excellent condition. Maker's mark on reverse on the eagle.
Fliegererinnerungsabzeichen Juncker and a set of documents for Oberfeldwebel Heinz Köhler. The set includes a badge made of buntmetal by Juncker in its original case, nice patina, and excellent condition, as well as five documents: a medal for the Anschluss of the Czechoslovak with a Prague clasp, a promotion document to non-commissioned officer 3./ Kampfgeschwader 77. Rewardin...
Gemeinsames Flugzeugführer - und Beobachterabzeichen FLL. A typical badge made by the Friedrich Linden factory in Lüdenscheid. The end of the war issue. Poor quality gilding and silver plating partially diffused into zinc. Like many badges of the end of the war, ugly riveted on the reverse. The eagle is fixed loosely and has a slight backlash.