Side Cap M 38 for Enlisted Ranks with Carmine Piping (Einheitsfeldmütze mit karmesinroter Paspelierung)
Original Wehrmacht enlisted ranks’ side cap with carmine piping, indicating affiliation with veterinary service or the General Staff. Features jacquard-style insignia.
Inside, it bears a 1940 date stamp along with the manufacturer’s marking:
Bayerische Mützenfabri...
Winter hat for Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht personnel. The hat is made of standard German cloth with hare fur. The lining is made of artificial silk — viscose. It has the marking “1944” and size “58”. Manufacturer: Walter Hübner, Berlin, WV8, Charlottenstraße 29-30, Modische Pelzbekleidung – Rauchwaren. The item is in excellent condition with light signs of wear.
M 43 Einheitsfeldmütze for officers in salty condition. Ugly, but the owner attached T type M 42 trapezoid eagle. The owner's name is a Selig. Before 1944 he was in service in Waffen SS, and most probably due of that he changed the insignia on the hat. That is from the words of family members. It's salty, but still a one looker hat
Kepi for Gebiggsjäger officer of the Wehrmacht. Kepi is made by the Viennese tailor Hans Kohl. Since the Austrian manufacturers made all caps in the style of mountain troops, it's most likely that they continued to produce caps of the 1943 model similarly. The cap never had an edelweiss side badge, and there is a possibility that the cap was made according to the Jaeger sty...
Third Reich, M43 Polizei / police Feldmütze. Stamped on the lining: RB Nr, 1943 and size 56, the cap, in almost mint condition, has very small traces of wear, mainly on the front of the lining.
Hat for the enlisted personnel of the service in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories - RMBO. Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete- RMBO) G. A. Hoffmann Berlin SW 23. 1943 year and size 56. Mint condition. Very rare hat.
Mütze fur HJ-DJ for Luftwaffe helpers. Corresponding RZM tag on the lining, as well as a standard maker's mark, encoded: RB Nr, date 1943 and size 56. The Kepi is in unused condition. There is a small hole in the bottom of the Hitler Youth rhombus insignia
Gebirgsjäger Bergmütze, ca 1939-40. The manufacturer's mark from Bavaria is difficult to read. Size 57, regimental mark: 6./G.J.R 138. Unfortunately, there are some moth holes. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find a good original example. The Edelweiss is original to the hat, the trapezoid with an eagle and cockade is original, but professionally placed our days.
Luftwaffe Bergmütze für Offizier. The cap is made from diagonal-tricot wool of excellent officer quality. Size approx 56
Feldmütze M43 for Wehrmacht command personnel. The cap is made of felt in feldgrau color. Excellent condition with traces of light use. Size 56
3rd Reich officers combat Panzer Polizei side hat M 40, M 40 SS type hat but with double silver piping: on the top and on the side panels. We got it from collector who told the story that it has been picked up from SS Panzer Polizei veteran's family. The hat itself is too rare to identify it easy. The soutache on the hat is actually is carmine color.&nbs...
Kepi for Waffen-SS mountain units. A variant with a buckle in the front, photographically evidenced, is being used mainly by SS-SD personnel. It is extremely rare, and we saw this type of Feldmütze only once in our collector's life. Excellent condition, only the front sweatband part is missing due to being used. All insignia is original to the hat. Size 60
NB! This is ...
Tropical Kriegsmarine cap. Perfect, practically unworn condition, near mint, no signs of wear. Size stamp and company logo. Size 58