Erkennungsmarke. Flieger Ausbildungs Regiment 22 Güstrow. The regiment was set up in Güstrow on April 1, 1939 from the Neustadt Glewe Aviation School and renamed the 22nd Aviation Regiment in November 1941. In 1941, it was moved to Gent. In September 1944 it was disbanded and used to set up a paratrooper division (Fallschirmjäger-Division)
Erkennungsmarke. Flieger Ausbildungs Regiment 22 Güstrow. The regiment was set up in Güstrow on April 1, 1939 from the Neustadt Glewe Aviation School and renamed the 22nd Aviation Regiment in November 1941. In 1941, it was moved to Gent. In September 1944 it was disbanded and used to set up a paratrooper division (Fallschirmjäger-Division)