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Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank gun 4,2 cm Pak 41 shooting instruction

Product Code: gp621
Price: 154.00€220.00€


Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank gun 4,2 cm Pak 41 shooting instruction: fighting against enemy tanks. The chart with areas of the enemy tanks armor penetration. Has inscription: "Only for service use! Do not fall into enemy hands!".   Panzer-Shooting board (fighting against hard-to-fight armored vehicles) The 42 mm Pak 41 was produced for use by Fallschirmjäger troops.

Anlage zu H.Dv. 469/3a. Nur für den Dienstgebrauch! Nicht in Feindeshand fallen lassen! Panzer-Beschußtafel ( Abwehr schwer zu bekämpfender Panzerfahrzeuge) s Pz B 41 Stand: 20.1. 43

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Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank gun 4,2 cm Pak 41 shooting instruction: fighting against enemy tanks. The chart with areas of the enemy tanks armor penetration. Has inscription: "Only for service use! Do not fall into enemy hands!".   Panzer-Shooting board (fighting against hard-to-fight armored vehicles) The 42 mm Pak 41 was produced for use by Fallschirmjäger troops.

Anlage zu H.Dv. 469/3a. Nur für den Dienstgebrauch! Nicht in Feindeshand fallen lassen! Panzer-Beschußtafel ( Abwehr schwer zu bekämpfender Panzerfahrzeuge) s Pz B 41 Stand: 20.1. 43

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