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Now it is a matter of thinking how we can conduct the war in such a way that we make our enemies reluctant...

Branch: NSDAP
Product Code: o135/9/24
Price: 45.00€


German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

Now it is a matter of thinking how we can conduct the war in such a way that we make our enemies reluctant to disrupt the peace another time.
Frederick the Great, 1756, at the beginning of the Seven Years War.

Jetzt gilt es daran zu denken, den Krieg so zu führen, dass wir den Feinden die Lust verleiden den Frieden noch einmal zu brechen.
Friedrich der Große, 1756, bei Beginn des Siebenjährigen Krieges.

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German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

Now it is a matter of thinking how we can conduct the war in such a way that we make our enemies reluctant to disrupt the peace another time.
Frederick the Great, 1756, at the beginning of the Seven Years War.

Jetzt gilt es daran zu denken, den Krieg so zu führen, dass wir den Feinden die Lust verleiden den Frieden noch einmal zu brechen.
Friedrich der Große, 1756, bei Beginn des Siebenjährigen Krieges.

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