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Reichskriegsflagge R.Kr.Fl 100 x 170 G.A Fröhlichs Sohn A.G

Product Code: o317/1
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Reichskriegsflagge R.Kr.Fl 100 x 170 G.A Fröhlichs Sohn A.G. Warnsdorf Sud. German naval flag, with Kriegsmarine markings in the form of a small eagle with the letter M. Excellent condition without damage and traces of insects activity.

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Reichskriegsflagge R.Kr.Fl 100 x 170 G.A Fröhlichs Sohn A.G. Warnsdorf Sud. German naval flag, with Kriegsmarine markings in the form of a small eagle with the letter M. Excellent condition without damage and traces of insects activity.

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