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Soviet magazine binder with "Ogoniok" (Огонёк) issues from 1944

Product Code: p53/4
Price: 175.00€250.00€


It's containing issues #32,  #35, #38, #41-42, #48-49, #50-51, and #52.
The main themes described in these issues:
Soviet troops in the capital of Romania;
At the borders of East Prussia;
In the battles for Soviet Latvia;
On the lower Neman;
On mountain roads in the Carpathians and other subjects.

There is some minor damage.

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It's containing issues #32,  #35, #38, #41-42, #48-49, #50-51, and #52.
The main themes described in these issues:
Soviet troops in the capital of Romania;
At the borders of East Prussia;
In the battles for Soviet Latvia;
On the lower Neman;
On mountain roads in the Carpathians and other subjects.

There is some minor damage.

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