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The German army is the most powerful weapon...

Branch: NSDAP
Product Code: o87/8/27
Price: 63.00€90.00€


German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

The German army is the most powerful weapon in the service of freedom for Europe.
Words of our leader

Das deutsche Heer ist die gewaltigste Waffe im Dienste der Freiheit für Europa.
Worte unseres Führers

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German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

The German army is the most powerful weapon in the service of freedom for Europe.
Words of our leader

Das deutsche Heer ist die gewaltigste Waffe im Dienste der Freiheit für Europa.
Worte unseres Führers

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