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"The infantry assault badges". Refernce book by Sascha Weber. NEW EDITION! 424 pages.

Product Code: o183/1
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"The infantry assault badges" by Sascha Weber.  New edition. Over 1200 illustrations trace the history of the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" (ISA) and present in words and pictures an extensive number of manufacturer variants, both well known and some unknown manufacturers. High quality pictures and specification tables of unprecedented detail provide the collector with a wealth of knowledge that has been heretofore unavailable. Award documents and issue packets are also covered in this comprehensive work. In addition to all above, the author also goes into production and production processes. This book is supplemented with some unknown information and images from individual religious producers who have produced this famous award. A valuable work for any collector. Format A5, over 420 pages. The book is in new condition.  We have few in stock. Price is for one.

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"The infantry assault badges" by Sascha Weber.  New edition. Over 1200 illustrations trace the history of the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" (ISA) and present in words and pictures an extensive number of manufacturer variants, both well known and some unknown manufacturers. High quality pictures and specification tables of unprecedented detail provide the collector with a wealth of knowledge that has been heretofore unavailable. Award documents and issue packets are also covered in this comprehensive work. In addition to all above, the author also goes into production and production processes. This book is supplemented with some unknown information and images from individual religious producers who have produced this famous award. A valuable work for any collector. Format A5, over 420 pages. The book is in new condition.  We have few in stock. Price is for one.

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