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The Red Navy newspaper "The Baltic Submariner" 15. December 1943

Product Code: p23/20
Price: 25.00€


The Red Navy newspaper "The Baltic Submariner" 15. December 1943. 2 pages Read and pass on to a friend. Death to the German occupiers! In this issue: Yesterday, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front liberated the city of Cherkasy. Glory to the valiant warriors of the Red Army

Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" 15. December 1943. 2 pages

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The Red Navy newspaper "The Baltic Submariner" 15. December 1943. 2 pages Read and pass on to a friend. Death to the German occupiers! In this issue: Yesterday, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front liberated the city of Cherkasy. Glory to the valiant warriors of the Red Army

Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" 15. December 1943. 2 pages

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