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Wehrmacht Heer Lieutenant of Automotive / Supply service troops slip on shoulder straps

Branch: HEER
Product Code: o168/2/11
Price: 90.00€100.00€


Wehrmacht Heer Lieutenant of Automotive / Supply service troops slip on shoulder straps for field uniform, grey silver braid made. Moleskin backing in blue Waffenfarbe. Mint example. Rare to find such boards in "slip on" type. Normally such a Waffenfarbe can be  easily foundon on the Truppensonderdienst straps with it's TSD ciphers. But this example belongs to the combat unit. Near mint condition

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Wehrmacht Heer Lieutenant of Automotive / Supply service troops slip on shoulder straps for field uniform, grey silver braid made. Moleskin backing in blue Waffenfarbe. Mint example. Rare to find such boards in "slip on" type. Normally such a Waffenfarbe can be  easily foundon on the Truppensonderdienst straps with it's TSD ciphers. But this example belongs to the combat unit. Near mint condition

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