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Wehrmacht universal collar tabs 1938 pattern

Branch: HEER
Product Code: o451/17/3
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Wehrmacht universal collar tabs 1938 pattern (Einheitskragenspiegel)

Original 1938 pattern Wehrmacht universal collar tabs (Einheitskragenspiegel). Cut from the roll, never used or sewn. Mint depot condition. Made in field-gray with a darker central field (dunkelgrau) and bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) side stripes. This pattern follows the 1938 regulation (HV 388 B, Nr. 452).

Collar tabs evolution by regulations:

  • 1933: Field-gray tabs (feldgrau) with dark gray (Graugrün) central field, branch color side stripes, and gray-green wool or moleskin backing.
  • 1935 (HV 33, Nr. 505): Universal field-gray tabs (Einheitskragenspiegel) with a bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) central stripe.
  • 1938 (HV 388 B, Nr. 452): Tabs with a darker central field (dunkelgrau) and bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) side stripes. Widely used until the end of the war.
  • 1940 (HV 408 B, Nr. 134): Standardized tabs for all branches with mouse-gray (mausgrauem) central field and side stripes. Used on pre-war Feldbluse tunics and Drillichblusen work jackets.
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Wehrmacht universal collar tabs 1938 pattern (Einheitskragenspiegel)

Original 1938 pattern Wehrmacht universal collar tabs (Einheitskragenspiegel). Cut from the roll, never used or sewn. Mint depot condition. Made in field-gray with a darker central field (dunkelgrau) and bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) side stripes. This pattern follows the 1938 regulation (HV 388 B, Nr. 452).

Collar tabs evolution by regulations:

  • 1933: Field-gray tabs (feldgrau) with dark gray (Graugrün) central field, branch color side stripes, and gray-green wool or moleskin backing.
  • 1935 (HV 33, Nr. 505): Universal field-gray tabs (Einheitskragenspiegel) with a bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) central stripe.
  • 1938 (HV 388 B, Nr. 452): Tabs with a darker central field (dunkelgrau) and bluish-dark green (bläulichdunkelgrün) side stripes. Widely used until the end of the war.
  • 1940 (HV 408 B, Nr. 134): Standardized tabs for all branches with mouse-gray (mausgrauem) central field and side stripes. Used on pre-war Feldbluse tunics and Drillichblusen work jackets.
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