German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
A cowardly policy has always brought bad luck.
Otto von Bismarck
Eine feige Politik hat noch immer Unglück gebracht.
Otto von Bismarck
Saying poster produced by the Central publisher of the NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
The single person must and will perish as always, only the people must remain.
Adolf Hitler
Der Einzelne muss und wird wie immer vergehn, allein das Volk muss bleiben..
Adolf Hitler
NSDAP weekly quote: "There are years in the life of nations in which the decision to be or not to be made for centuries to come." Adolf Hitler - 7.2.34.
Weekly saying of NSDAP. / From 14th till 20th of May 1939.
Issued by district propaganda administration of NSDAP. / Central publisher of NSDAP...
German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Posterity forgets the men who only served their own benefit and praises the heroes who renounced their own happiness.
Leader's words
Die Nachwelt vergisst die Männer, die nur dem eigenen Nutze..
NSDAP weekly poster: "Free is only the people who are strong enough to assert their freedom". Helmut von Moltke.
Weekly saying of NSDAP. / From 17th till 23rd of March 1940.
Issued by district propaganda administration of NSDAP. / Central publisher of NSDAP. Franz Eher Nachf., Munich.
Size ..
NSDAP speech: "No people in the world today has more reason than the German to look to their future with confidence and a steadfast view of the future." Dr. Goebbels.
Weekly saying of NSDAP. / Issued by propaganda administration of the Reich. / Issue 45, 1-7 November 1942.
Central publisher of N..
German NSDAP poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
"Not by treaties or binding agreements, but exclusively by force, has England put together her enormous empire."
Adolf Hitler
Nicht etwa durchver..
NSDAP weekly quote published by the Propaganda Office during the war.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Unfaithfulness has defeated our people once. Faithfulness will one day redeem us.
Adolf Hitler
Die untreue hat unser Volk einst geschlagen. Die treue wird uns einst wieder erlösen.
Adolf Hitler
Wartime German poster produced by the Central Publisher of NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Who hesitates - is defeated! The believer wins! We believe!
Werner Respondek
Wer zagt - unterliegt! Der Gläubige siegt! Wir glauben!
Werner Respondek
German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
We want to raise a hard generation that is strong, reliable, loyal, obedient and decent.
Adolf Hitler on 16.9.35
Wir wollen ein hartes Geschlecht heranziehen, das stark ist, zuverlässig, treu,..
Wartime German poster produced by the Central Publisher of NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
We have learned from history that in the long run life will only be given to those peoples who are willing to support their life, their honor to the world.
Adolf Hitler
Wir haben aus der Geschichte..
NSDAP weekly quote published by the Propaganda Office during the war.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
To obey the laws of life is to understand a great destiny.
Alfred Rosenberg
Den Gesetzen des Lebens gehorchen, heisst ein grosses Schicksal begreifen.
Alfred Rosenberg
German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
There are no great heroes in world history who have not withstood the toughest trials.
Adolf Hitler
Es gibt keine grossen Helden der Weltgeschichte, di..
Saying poster produced by the Central publisher of the NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
The single person must and will perish as always, only the people must remain.
Adolf Hitler
Der Einzelne muss und wird wie immer vergehn, allein das Volk muss bleiben..
Adolf Hitler
Propaganda poster containing one of the most popular motto said by Hitler or other German political leaders.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
The more men and women are available for the war effort, the harder the Führer can strike.
Dr. Goebbels
Je mehr Männer und Frauen sich für den Kriegseinsatz zur Ver..
German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
The German army is the most powerful weapon in the service of freedom for Europe.
Words of our leader
Das deutsche Heer ist die gewaltigste Waffe im Dienste der Freiheit für Europa.
Worte unseres Führers
NSDAP weekly poster issued by the Propaganda Office.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
The bow only shows its strength when bent.
Gebeugt erst zeigt der Bogen seine Kraft.
There are some minor defects.
Wartime German poster produced by the Central Publisher of NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
You should act as if fate of Germany depended on you and your actions and the responsibility was yours.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Handeln sollst Du so, als hinge von Dir und Deinem Tun allein das Schi..
Wartime German poster produced by the Central Publisher of NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Let no bell toll more deeply around us all than the word 'people'!
Walter Flex
Tiefer soll keine Glocke je tönen über uns als das Wort 'Volk'!
Walter Flex
The weekly motto of the NSDAP. "The fatherland can claim every victim" by Theodor Körner, weekly saying of the NSDAP / publisher - Reichsropagandaabteilung / episode 46. 8-14. November 1942, Main publisher of the NSDAP., Munich
34,5X24 cm
Das Vaterland darf jedes Opfer fordern. The..
The weekly quotes of the NSDAP propaganda poster. September 10 - Bromberger blood Sunday. NSDAP weekly saying/publisher Reichsropagandaabteilung / episode 37. 6-12. September 1942 Central publisher of the NSDAP., Munich. 34,5X24 cm
10. September-Bromberger Blutsonntag. Wenn das Licht mit der..
The weekly motto of the NSDAP poster. Wochenspruch der NSDAP./ Herausgeber Reichsropagandaabteilung / Folge 43. Oktober 1941 Zentralverlag der NSDAP., München
Wir müssen den Mut finden, Wege zu gehen, die vor uns noch kein Volk beschritten hat, Wochenspruch der NSDAP./ Herausgeber rechts Propagan..
3rd Reich Set of DLV, NSFK or early SS collar tabs ciphers. Aluminum, unissued, 1935-1937 years worn. Mint. Price is for pair.
Envelope of the first day dedicated to the anniversary of the first year of the Generalgouvernement. Ein Jahr Generalgouvernement KRAKAU 26.X.40. The envelope was opened by knife from the top side.
First day postcard Krakow Tag Der NSDAP der Generalgouvernement Krakau 13-15.
NSKOV Taschenkalender 1941, Verlag Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung, Hanns Oberlindober, size: 9.5x14cm, 272 pages
The catalogue of exhibition "The fate of Europe in the East" for NSDAP party day in Nuremberg, 1938 under the patronage of the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess. Four thousand years of European history showed in historical finds, artworks, maps, documents and letters. The exhibition is organized by t..
Monthly issue magazine for BDM leaders - "Führerinnendienst" mit Dienstunterweisungen für JM, BDM Obergau Niederdonau, 3.Jahrgang Dezember 1940 Folge 9, 80 pages
Songs of female RAD. "Lieder der Arbeitsmaiden" herausgegeben von der Reichsleitung des Reichsarbeitsdienstes. Arbeitsdienst für die weibliche Jugend. Ludwig Voggenreiter Verlag/Potsdam 1938. 224 pages, size: 13,5x19cm
DJ brochure Der marsch zur Feldherrnhalle. Die Jungenschaft. 9.November 1938. Herausgegeben von der Reichsjugendführung der NSDAP. Verlag: Wilhelm Limpert/Berlin. 24 pages, size: 15,5x22,5cm
"Der Ostmarkbrief" NSDAP official propaganda magazine. Joseph Brückel, Gauleiter und Reichskommissar: Mitteilungsblatt und Schulungsbrief. Wien, October 1939, 16. Folge.
NSDStB ( Ostmark) Almanach for technical students in 3rd Reich-Jahrbuch der Deutschen Studentenschaft an den Ostmarkdeutschen hoch-und Fachschulen 1939/40. Technische hochschule in Wien 1939
3rd Reich HJ- BDM Gruppenführerin breast eagle. Very good condition with RZM label on the reverse. Nr 189 RZM license owned by Karl Koch Fahnenfabrik in Koburg.
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and..
3rd Reich Forstbeamter officials in lower rank straps