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Four frontline triangle-letters to home from Junior Sergeant

Product Code: rp774
Price: 76.50€85.00€


Four frontline triangle-letters to home from Junior Sergeant of the 1047th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Litvintsev, who fought as a driver-mechanic of the BA-64 armored car, and later as a driver-mechanic of the SU-76 self-propelled artillery gun. Vitaly Aleksandrovich survived the war and in 1985 was awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, First Class. One of the letters is written on a piece of a poster with road signs, most likely during his service in the training unit of driver-mechanics in the Moscow region. Combat in Estonia against Leon Degrelle troops of SS Langemark division by Nou and Elva and a combat in Kurland pocket.


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Four frontline triangle-letters to home from Junior Sergeant of the 1047th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Litvintsev, who fought as a driver-mechanic of the BA-64 armored car, and later as a driver-mechanic of the SU-76 self-propelled artillery gun. Vitaly Aleksandrovich survived the war and in 1985 was awarded the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War, First Class. One of the letters is written on a piece of a poster with road signs, most likely during his service in the training unit of driver-mechanics in the Moscow region. Combat in Estonia against Leon Degrelle troops of SS Langemark division by Nou and Elva and a combat in Kurland pocket.


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