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The stuff of the 5th signals aviation regiment of 5th Airforce army

Product Code: o105/2/4
Price: 45.50€65.00€


Photo of the command of the 5th signals aviation regiment of 5th Airforce army. From left to right
​1. Deputy regiment commander for supplies Major Klochko  Клочко Николай Иванович

2. Commander of the radio battalion Captain Ponomarenko  Пономаренко Иван Илларионович

3. Regiment commander Colonel Kiselyov  Киселев Семен Иванович

4. Chief of Staff of the regiment Major Fateev  Фатеев Александр Федорович

5. The commander of the combined battalion, Captain Teslikov Тесликов Николай Владимирович

6. Deputy Commander of the Regiment for Political Affairs Major Kashchuk  Кащук Василий Федорович

7. Radio Battalion Commander Senior Lieutenant Symonenko  Симоненко Федор Пантелеевич

​The picture was taken in May 1945 in the village of Cífer, Trnava district in Czechoslovakia Size: 11 cm X 16 cm

Links clickable to the each of the person with archive files and awards list (info in Russian).

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Photo of the command of the 5th signals aviation regiment of 5th Airforce army. From left to right
​1. Deputy regiment commander for supplies Major Klochko  Клочко Николай Иванович

2. Commander of the radio battalion Captain Ponomarenko  Пономаренко Иван Илларионович

3. Regiment commander Colonel Kiselyov  Киселев Семен Иванович

4. Chief of Staff of the regiment Major Fateev  Фатеев Александр Федорович

5. The commander of the combined battalion, Captain Teslikov Тесликов Николай Владимирович

6. Deputy Commander of the Regiment for Political Affairs Major Kashchuk  Кащук Василий Федорович

7. Radio Battalion Commander Senior Lieutenant Symonenko  Симоненко Федор Пантелеевич

​The picture was taken in May 1945 in the village of Cífer, Trnava district in Czechoslovakia Size: 11 cm X 16 cm

Links clickable to the each of the person with archive files and awards list (info in Russian).

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