SA Treffen Braunschweig 1931 badge - RZM M1/35 Wächtler & Lange, Mittweida. Matt grey anodized badge. The second type hollow example, injection moulded aluminium alloy badge that was sold as a replacement piece or for wear on different uniforms. This badge has been equated to the award and is required to be worn. Remains in mint condition and was never worn or used. Rare pr...
Member badge of the NSDAP. Mitgliedsabzeichen M1/14 RZM - Matthias Oechsler & Söhne-Ansbach. Mid-war made steel badge, silver plated. Badge in patina, but without traces of wear. Lapel loop type.
N.S.D.A.P membership badge, Otto Schickle Pforzheim. Lilliput type, 18 mm. Circa 1930-33 made. For the first time in our practice, we find such a badge in this size with the logo of the Otto Schickle factory. Surprisingly, the badge is in excellent condition with no enamel chips. The absence of enamel chips on early badges is an exception, due to long-term use.
Badge of a member of the NSDAP women's group NS-Frauenschaft. Type 8. M1/15RZM-Ferdinand Hoffstätter-Bonn am Rhein
Nat. Soz. Frauenschaft Women's fraction of NSDAP. Local area group staff member badge Nationalistische - Frauenschaft Ortsgruppenabzeichen. To the center of the white enameled cross is a red swastika, and "G" "H" "L" Gothic letters which signify the Frauenschaft motto, "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe" (Faith, Hope, Love). Marked M 1/63 RZM Steinhauer & Lück-Lüdenscheid. Excellent ...
Nazi sympathizer badge, an unique early "Nun erst recht" badge by Schanes Wien. Made in Vienna before the Anschluss. The small badge, size 16.5 mm. There is a slight chip on the enamel, which does not detract from its attractiveness. Extremely rare badge, first time seen by us on the collector's market.
Member badge of a German women's organization, Deutsche Frauenwerk M1/120 RZM. Hot enamel on a brass, excellent condition M1/120 RZM Wilhelm Deumer-Lüdenscheid
NSDAP party badge "9" Robert Hauschild-Pforzheim. Made before 1936, without RZM marking. Excellent condition, very rare producer badge
Wehrmachtsgefolge badge for civilians, non-uniformed auxiliaries of the Wehrmacht. Bronzed steel
NSDAP Badge with M1/62RZM - Gustav Hähl, Pforzheim. Perfect condition, very rare manufacturer.
Kyffhäuserbund Wettkampfsieger 1938 sleeve award. NSRKB. Padded with dark blue wool. Cupal made badge. This kind of shield could be earned in annual shooting competitions by a National-Sozialist Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser - National Socialist Imperial Fighter's League. Some light oxidation damage, but a still nice example
Gesamtverband deutscher Arbeitsopfer-GAO. Member badge of the imperial union of disabled workers. Second type. Cupronickel. Markings on the reverse: Deschler München 9 GES.GESCH. Size: 17 mm
Membership badge N.S.D.A.P M1/137 Richard Simm & Söhne-Gablonz an der Neisse. Buttonhole variant. Virtually no traces of use. Has few very small chips on the red enamel.
Honor pin of the German automobile club, DDAC 1934. Der Deutsche Automobilclub 1934 silberne Ehrennadel. White brass made, in excellent condition.
NSDAP member badge rare producer M1/137 RZM - Richard Simm & Sohn, Gablonz. A rare producer for German National Socialist Labor Party badges, very fine example. Brass made
Donation/sympatizer pin for 3rd Reich German VDA organization - Verein für Deutsche Kulturbeziehung im Ausland/Association for German cultural relations abroad. Hofstaetter Bonn Ges.Gesch. The donation pin is much rare than an enamel membership version.
NSBO member pin. Brass. Ges Gesch marked Good condition
Leistungsabzeichen des Standschützenverband Tirol-Vorarlberg'-'Gauleistungsabzeichen in Gold für Pistole - 1944' Shooting Tirol badge in gilded zinc in unworn, mint condition. The badge is makers marked on a pin-catch: 'C. Poellath - Schrobenhausen' 40 mm
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following...
Standschützenverband Tirol-Vorarlberg - Gaumeisterabzeichen 1944 in Gold mit Eichenlaubkranz " Pistole " Tirol Shooting badge in gilded zinc in oakleaves wreath in unworn, mint condition. The badge is unmarked. 23 mm
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any re...