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Heroes created your Reich. Maintain this Reich so that the glory of the fathers does not become your shame

Branch: NSDAP
Product Code: o135/9/30
Price: 49.00€70.00€


German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

Heroes created your Reich. Maintain this Reich so that the glory of the fathers does not become your shame.
Frederick the Great

Helden haben eure Reich geschaffen. Haltet dieses Reich aufrecht, damit der Ruhm der Väter nicht eure Schande wird.
Friedrich der Große

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German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.

Size 35 x 24 cm.

Heroes created your Reich. Maintain this Reich so that the glory of the fathers does not become your shame.
Frederick the Great

Helden haben eure Reich geschaffen. Haltet dieses Reich aufrecht, damit der Ruhm der Väter nicht eure Schande wird.
Friedrich der Große

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