The Artillery - history, and rules of Soviet artillery in pre-war time. Issued in 1938. The cover slightly damaged, but too rare to find book with interesting content. "Артиллерия" Государственное военное издательство Наркомата обороны Союза ССР/Москва 1938. 358 pages, size: 18х26,5cm
Red Fleet newspaper " Red Navy man newspaper" - Glory to our famous naval flyers!. Краснофлотская газета "За Сталина" 4. August 1944. 2 pages
Combat chronicles of Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA in Estonian language 1945 year printed. Limited edition: only15000 examples.
Eesti Tallinna Kaardiväe Laskurkorpuse võitlustee. Боевой путь Гвардейского Эстонского Таллинского Стрелкового Корпуса, на эстонском языке. RK "Poliitiline Kirjandus"/Tallinn 1945. 248 pages, size: 16,5х23cm
"The course of chemical warfare agents" reference book for RKKA - 1940 year. "Kurs boyevykh khimicheskikh veshchestv"
"Курс боевых химических веществ" c элементарными общими сведениями из физики и химии, под общей редакцией В.М. Янковского. Военное издательство народного комиссариата обороны Союза ССР/Москва 1940. 410 pages, size: 15х22cm
Propaganda Book for Estonians in RKKA. "Pruun katk" (Brown Plague - Fascism) by Paul Rummo. ENSV Riiklik kirjastus/Moskva 1943. 64 pages, size: 10,5х16,5cm Published in Moscow, 1943.
German- Russian Phrasebook from the period of soviet occupation of Austria in 1945 year. "Deutsch-Russisch, Russisch-Deutschen" von Professor Adrian Fedorowsky. Leiter des russischen Sprachkurses dr RAVAG-WIEN, und Univ. Prof. Dominik Josef Wölfel. 2500 worte. Drucker und Verleger: Buchdruckerei Bruno Bartlet (A.u.F. Trupp), Wien XVIII im Selbstverlag. 62 pages, size: 10,5x14,5...
The RKKA booklet - " Fuse KTD" 1937 year. "Взрыватель КТД", special edition, USSR, Moscow, 1937. 20 pages, size: 13х17cm
Rare RKKA and Red Fleet songs book. 1931 year. "Песня бойцу", edition "Красная Звезда" (Red Star), Leningrad, 1931. 22 pages, size: 12,5х17cm
Soviet DB-3 bomber under the flak attack."17. Russischer Bomber hat angegriffen" von Fritz Brauner. Vom Vormarsch des 47. Panzerkorps im Osten, Russland. Size: 22x30cm. WW2 Reproduction.
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner" November, 28 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" . 2 pages
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner" December, 1 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики". 2 pages
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner", December, 6, 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики", 2 pages.
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" November, 26 1943. 2 pages
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" November, 21 1943. 2 pages
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" September,12 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" 2 pages
Soviet Artillery magazine. Release from nr. 1-12. Артиллерийский журнал. Выпуск с 1-12. Смерть немецким оккупантам! Воениздат НКО СССР/1943. Size: 16,5х25cm
Atrocities of nazy executioners - 1943 year. "Чудовищные злодеяния немецко-фашистских палачей" М.Н. Никитин и П.И. Вагин. По материалам и документам из оккупированных районов и городов Ленинградской области. Ленинградское газетно-журнальное и книжное издательство 1943. 174 pages, size: 15х21,5cm
Newspapers " Red Baltic Fleet" from April to December of 1943 year. Size: 29,5х41x6cm
Personal Case for RKKA officer, politruk (political commisar) Grygoryan Grygory Petrosovich. 25 sheets of paper, 8 of them are ww2 period dated. The case was issued in 1958.
Spanish card UGT Union General de Trabajadores de Madrid. Spanish union of the workers and the patch. Both in good condition.
Set of 8 envelopes 1941-45 year, issued in Estonia during Soviet and German occupation between 1941-1945 years. All sent to the same family. Some of the Soviet envelopes have ink stamp: "Checked by censorship".
Soviet pre-war pay book issued to Brotsky Wulf Leiba son, nationality - Jew. Notes: has been imprisoned for 3 years by OGPU of Belorussian Soviet Republic in 1932 year for illegal crossing the Russian-Poland boarder. Probably he did that crime special to avoid service in Red Army. Excellent condition
Pre-war or early WW2 made capsule for ID paper tag. Was in use mostly at the beginning of the war. Inside should be rolled piece of paper with soldiers full name, home address and relative's contact information. Most soldiers never filled them and keep empty, because of superstition. They thought that if they filled it out they will be killed for sure in...
Soviet Leaflet for Romanian troops, 1945 year, the end of the war. This leaflet was found in one of the disbanded Soviet army museums in Germany. Leaflet Nr 88. We have few in stock. Price is for 1 pcs.
Soviet Communists party membership ID books leather cover issued for Estonian branch member. All pressed inscriptions are made in Estonian language. Unique item.
WW2 military certificate issued to colonel Summar S.P. Shows that he got from Chief of the armored troops of South Army group general-lieutenant PAVELKIN direction trophy motorcycle to his property. The document dated 1946. Good condition.
Red Army / Soviet Russian. Pension book for officer of reserve. Late type, good condition.
Reference-book: Foreign battle ships-1936 year. In Russian language. Very small and rare edition. Has hundreds pictures, documents and descriptions of all major world battleships. Good condition. Rare!