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Shoulder strap for Jungenschaftführer HJ-Streifendienst in Bann 380, Gebiet N- Oh, Gifhorn

Branch: NSDAP
Product Code: o141/3/69
Price: 90.00€100.00€


Shoulder strap for Jungenschaftführer HJ-Streifendienst in Bann 380, Gebiet N- Oh, Gifhorn Ost Hannover. Single. A war volunteer, as indicated by a red cord. The cord was introduced as an insignia for the Hitler Youth in July 1944 - Rote Kordel für Kriegsfreiwillige. Shoulder straps for the HJ-Streifendienst (Hitler Youth Patrol Service) were officially introduced by order in June 1942. The shoulder strap is made by the method of viscose thread weaving, excellent condition

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Shoulder strap for Jungenschaftführer HJ-Streifendienst in Bann 380, Gebiet N- Oh, Gifhorn Ost Hannover. Single. A war volunteer, as indicated by a red cord. The cord was introduced as an insignia for the Hitler Youth in July 1944 - Rote Kordel für Kriegsfreiwillige. Shoulder straps for the HJ-Streifendienst (Hitler Youth Patrol Service) were officially introduced by order in June 1942. The shoulder strap is made by the method of viscose thread weaving, excellent condition

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