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SS Collar Tab rank braid 6 mm

Product Code: ss391
Price: 54.00€60.00€


Braid (Tresse) for SS Rank Collar Tab

braid (Tresse) for SS personnel collar tab, 6mm in width, made of aluminum with a black stripe, sewn onto the lower part of the collar tab parallel to the bottom edge. It was used to denote rank in the SS.  Price is for one (1) piece.  Each pcs. is 5 cm length for the collar tab.

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Braid (Tresse) for SS Rank Collar Tab

braid (Tresse) for SS personnel collar tab, 6mm in width, made of aluminum with a black stripe, sewn onto the lower part of the collar tab parallel to the bottom edge. It was used to denote rank in the SS.  Price is for one (1) piece.  Each pcs. is 5 cm length for the collar tab.

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