Early SS Belt with Nickel Silver Buckle (VT, TV, and Allgemeine SS)
An early belt with a nickel silver buckle produced by the firm Overhoff & Cie, as indicated by the marking "O&C Ges. Gesch." The buckle is made of nickel silver, showing no signs of oxidation, with only light traces of we..
Table Pennant Decoration for Finnish Veterans of the SS Wiking Division
A silk pennant measuring 15×15 cm featuring a Finnish shield in the centre. In the top-left corner is the SS rune, while the other corners display the Iron Cross and Finnish awards. The flagpole has a marble base, with a meta..
Aluminium buckle for the SS command staff. Overhoff.
Repaired catch. Good condition with slight traces of use. The reverse side features markings: RZM and SS in a circle, along with the year stamp '36/40'. The OLC marking in a diamond indicates the manufacturer Overhoff & Cie from Lüdenscheid..
Black Breeches for SS Dress Uniform
Black breeches intended for SS dress uniform, with possible use in NSKK units. These breeches are custom-tailored and made of relatively coarse wool fabric. The waist size is 92 cm, and the length is 105 cm. They are in excellent condition, with no holes or sig..
Riding breeches in black for Allgemeine SS, SS-VT, SSTV or NSKK. Black merino wool diagonal tricot. Private purchased. Size: belt - 84, length - 100 cm. Good condition with some traces of use.
Braid (Tresse) for SS Rank Collar Tab
A braid (Tresse) for SS personnel collar tab, 4.65 mm in width, made of aluminum with a black stripe, sewn onto the lower part of the collar tab parallel to the bottom edge. It was used to denote rank in the SS. Price is for one (1) piece. E..
Braid (Tresse) for SS Rank Collar Tab
A braid (Tresse) for SS personnel collar tab, 6mm in width, made of aluminum with a black stripe, sewn onto the lower part of the collar tab parallel to the bottom edge. It was used to denote rank in the SS. Price is for one (1) piece. E..
Pair of Shoulder Boards SS Junkerschule Braunschweig
A pair of Junkerschule Braunschweig shoulder boards of archaeological origin. The stitching of the cipher is visible when held up to the light.
Single Shoulder Board of SS Infantry in the Rank of Untersturmführer
A single shoulder board of Waffen SS infantry, corresponding to the rank of Untersturmführer.
Sleeve Eagle for Waffen-SS Troops
SS sleeve eagle for Waffen-SS troops, restored due to damage (swastika). The restoration is done quite well and is a good value for the offered price.
Collar Tab of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler with Straight Runes Pre-1939
A very rare, early Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler collar tab with straight runes, issued before 1939. It shows noticeable signs of wear and heavy front-line service. Due to prolonged use in various weather conditions, the bone g..
SS Ärmelraute for Unterführer in the Sanitätsdienst
The SS Ärmelraute sleeve diamond for Unterführer in the SS Sanitätsdienst. The insignia shows signs of sewing and light wear, but overall, it is in excellent condition with no damage.
Pair of Shoulder Boards for Waffen-SS Infantry
A pair of Waffen-SS infantry shoulder boards with trimmed fastening straps. These shoulder boards were used as sewn-in versions on the uniform.
Part of the dog tag SS- T STUBA Oranienburg
Death Tag (Half) E SS LAH
Original identification tag from the Waffen-SS unit Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LAH). The tag is broken in half and shows signs of oxidation, indicating exposure to the elements over time.
SS Mantel, Feldgrau. Greatcoat for Waffen-SS. Typical cut with darts above the side pockets and a size grid on the left side of the back. The barn find in its present condition, exhibiting damage caused by insects without any evidence of cleaning.
On hold
Sleeve shield of the Finnish Volunteers in the 5th SS Division Wiking. Mint. Finnisches Freiwilligen-Bataillon der Waffen-SS. Sleeve shield of the third type made in Germany. The first two types were manufactured in Finland. The first is a coloured lion embroidered with yellow silk thread on a red b..
SS Feldbindenschloss für Führer - SS buckle, aluminum Overhoff & Cie, with inscription "Meine Ehre heißt Treue". Marked OLC SS 36/38 RZM. Very good, worn condition
SS-Rottenführer of the 57th Allgemeine SS-Standarte Meiningen in field uniform
Sleeve shield of the Finnish volunteers of the SS battalion "North-East" (SS-Freiwilligen Bataillon Nordost) or Suomalainen Waffen-SS-vapaaehtoispataljoona. Shield of the first type made in Finland. The first two types were manufactured in Finland. The first is a colored lion embroidered with yellow..
WW2 Chronicle in Estonian Rindeleht issue 9, July 17th, 1943.
Professionally restored, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
The great battle on the Eastern Front looms with unrelenting ferocity.
Rindeleht in Estonian, issue 8, dated July 10th, 1943.
Restored in high quality, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
Main topic - Powerful counterattack by German forces.
Estonian WW2 news Rindeleht issue 21, October 9th, 1943.
Professionally restored, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
Main topic: Bolsheviks attack at Velikiye Luki.
Estonian War News Rindeleht Nr. 19, September 25th, 1943.
High quality restoration, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
Headline: Battles rage on with unrelenting ferocity.
Chinstrap for Waffen-SS visor hat. Length 34 cm. Made of artificial leather - Pressstoff. In an uncleaned condition, as found in the attic. May crack if left untreated. If you wish, you can also purchase from us "ready-for-use", cleaned strap. We have few in stock. All in same condition as in ..
SS RZM 24 Buckle. Early buckle made of cupro-nickel. An extremely rare manufacturer, very difficult to find on the market. The buckle is battlefield found and not in best condition. Sell as is. The steel roller attached to the belt is not fixed, but simply placed for display...
SS-Scharführer Panzer wrap in the SS Division Nordland. Black wrap for the crews of the SS armoured troops. Jacke für Panzerbesatzungen der Waffen-SS. Collar tabs for NCO's are hand embroidery aluminium bullion made, according to the RZM standard, along the pink piping, standard for panzer troops. T..
On hold
Waffen-SS black armored crew cap, M0, Schiffchen/Feldmütze, made by Georg Teufel Tuttlingen, as evidenced by the marking on the lining. Size 56. Traces of use.
Pants of a crew member of the self-propelled artillery of the Waffen-SS (Sturmgeschützbesatzungen der Waffen-SS) pants with traces of heavy use and minor damage due of front life. On the back side there are trace of repair from the ww2 period (see photo with pink thread). Size: leng..
Fat eagle SS VT, Allgemeine SS, or SS-TV cupro-nickel buckle, polished
Waffen SS Newspaper Rindeleht in Estonian, issue 10, July 24th, 1943.
Restored professionally, 12 pages.
Headline: Fierce battles in the central and southern part of the Eastern Front.
Rindeleht about attempt on Hitler's life, July 22nd, 1944. Volume 29 (62).
Professionally restored, total 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
The assassination attempt on the Hitler's life took place on July 20th 1944 at the Wolfsschanze near Rastenburg, East Prussia.
Estonian WW2 newspaper Rindeleht vol. 24 from June 17th, 1944. Total 12 pages. Professionaly restored volume.
The fighting in Normandy is coming to a head.
Estonian Military News Rindeleht Nr. 20, date October 2nd, 1943.
High quality restoration, 12 pages. Newspaper in Estonian.
Headline: The German defense front is unbreakable.
Rindeleht newspaper issue #11, March 18th, 1944.
Professionaly restored, total 8 pages.
Headline: Heavy fighting in the southern part of the Eastern Front.
Rindeleht newspaper for Estonian SS Volunteers. from November 6th, 1943, volume 25.
Professionally restored newspaper, total 12 pages.
Headline: Fierce fighting continues on the Eastern Front.
Rindeleht issue about Narva battalion, Nr. 16, 1943.
Professionally restored newspaper, 12 pages.
Headline: The German defense crushes all attacks. Iron Crosses for Narva battalion.
Newspaper for Estonian SS Volunteers Rindeleht issue 29, 1943.
Professionally restored newspaper, 12 pages in total.
Main topic: Heavy Soviet tank and aircraft losses.
Newspaper for Estonian SS Volunteers Rindeleht. 1943. Issue 26, November 13th.
Professionally restored newspaper, total 12 pages.
Headline: The focal point of the fighting near Kiev.
Estonian Waffen SS newspaper Rindeleht from date February 19th, 1944, issue #7 (40). Professionaly restored volume.
The Bolshevik landing troops was destroyed in the Narva area.
SS Haupsturmführer's collar with collar tabs. The collar is made of dark green wool with a dark green felt lining and for some reason was torn from the jacket; perhaps the jacket continued to be used in the post-war period and was altered. The length of the collar sewing on the jacket is 45 cm. The ..
Sleeve shield of the Finnish Volunteers in the SS Wiking division. Finnisches Freiwilligen-Bataillon der Waffen-SS. Sleeve insignia of the third type made in Germany. The first two types were manufactured in Finland. The first is a coloured lion embroidered with yellow silk thread on a red backgroun..
Wardrobe tags for gray trousers and black SS overcoat, marked: Mantel Schwarz 5/3.SS-T.ST- 6 Hundertschaft Totenkopf-Standarte 3 "Thüringen" and Hoselang, grau KR/3.SS.T.St Kraftfahrkolonne Totenkopf- Standarte 3 "Thüringen". Price for the set of 2 tags.
Wardrobe tag for black SS overcoat, marked: Mantel Schwarz 6/3.SS-T.ST- 6 Hundertschaft Totenkopf-Standarte 3 "Thüringen"
SS Ärmelraute "Signalblitz" für Mannschaften der Nachrichtentruppe. Sleeve diamond for communications units in SS, for enlisted personnel.
Original wedding gift box "Mein Kampf" for SS members. "Mein Kampf", Hochzeitsausgabe, Holzkassette für SS-Männer. Traces of use.
3rd Reich Award "SA und SS Gau-Schi-Meisterschaft Oberbayern, Tölz 1933". Rare original die stamped steel.
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any return for is void. N..
Cavalry Waffen-SS Shoulder Straps with the Golden Yellow Waffenfarbe color for Kavallerie or Radfahrer.
Unissued mint condition.
Wehrmacht Pionier in the Gebirgsjäger Regiment lower ranks Visor hat. Excellent condition, with just a small hole visible in the leather strap area. The cap has been found in one of the theatres in Vienna, as evidenced by the stamps on the lining. The celluloid diamond bears the mark of Lillo-Mütze ..
Feldpostnummer (Field Post number) 20340 indicates SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2 from SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Hohenstaufen.
Wehrmacht breast eagle. Privately purchased. Felt with losses from insect activity
Wehrmacht visor hat eagle Friedrich Linden 1938. Manufacturer's marking on reverse. Unissued condition. One pin is missing - manufacturing defect. We have few in stock. Price is for 1 pcs.
Waffen-SS-Überfallhose armored crew trousers. Black tank trousers in the typical cut of Waffen-SS tank trousers: angled pocket flaps with two buttons on each flap, 1 rear pocket on the right side, with black bakelite buttons. The inside lining is made of linen. There is a size marking, but it is dif..
Waffen-SS sleeve eagle, BeVo type, foreign made example, mint.
SS Dienstgrad Litze. White/black silver/nickel braid 4.5 mm for SS collar tabs, indicating rank. Price for 7 cm. Also fit to SA Gruppe Berlin-Brandenburg
SS Dienstgrad Litze. 4.5 mm white aluminum braid with black for the left collar tab of Waffen-SS personnel. Price for a piece of 7 cm. We have it in qnt.
Waffen-SS Tropical Sleeve Insignia for SS-Sturmmann. This one was used for tropical uniform or SS camouflage tunics.