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Waffen SS Newspaper Rindeleht in Estonian, issue 10, 1943

Product Code: gp670
Price: 28.00€40.00€


Waffen SS Newspaper Rindeleht in Estonian, issue 10, July 24th, 1943.

Restored professionally, 12 pages.

Headline: Fierce battles in the central and southern part of the Eastern Front.

Raudrist eesti leegionärile

Idarindel vabatahtlikena võidelnud eesti noortest võitlejatest siirdusid paljud Eesti leegioni, kus nad saavad üksikasjalise eriväljaõppe. Neist noortest paistsid mitmed silma, eriti suure vahvusega Volhovi lahinguis ja teistes rindelõikudes, kus nad oma sangarlikkuse ja uljusega olid teistele eeskujuks.

Hiljuti annetati ühele neist vapratest rindevõitlejatest, sturmmann Edgar Tarestele, leegioni väeõppelaagris II kl. Raudrist. Raudristi kinnitas leegioni komandör, millist momenti näeme ka kõrvaltoodud pildil. Raudristi saanud leegionär, kellele oli juba varem annetatud Idamedal ja Rünnakmärk, paistis silma erilise julgusega Volhovi rindelahingus.

Saturday, July 24, 1943
Issue No. 10, Price: 10 pennies

Iron Cross for an Estonian Legionnaire

Many young Estonian fighters who volunteered on the Eastern Front joined the Estonian Legion, where they received specialized combat training. Among them, several distinguished themselves, especially for their bravery in the battles at Volkhov and other front-line sectors. Their courage and boldness made them role models for their fellow soldiers.

Recently, one of these brave front-line fighters, Sturmmann Edgar Tareste, was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class (II kl. Raudrist) at the Estonian Legion training camp.

The award was personally presented by the commander of the Estonian Legion, and this moment was captured in the photograph shown in the newspaper.

Other decorations received by Tareste:

  • "Eastern Front Medal" (Idamedal) – awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht and allied forces for participation in the winter campaigns on the Eastern Front.
  • "Assault Badge" (Rünnakmärk) – a decoration given for active participation in front-line attacks.

The article emphasizes that Tareste demonstrated exceptional bravery in the battles on the Volkhov front, which earned him the Iron Cross.

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Waffen SS Newspaper Rindeleht in Estonian, issue 10, July 24th, 1943.

Restored professionally, 12 pages.

Headline: Fierce battles in the central and southern part of the Eastern Front.

Raudrist eesti leegionärile

Idarindel vabatahtlikena võidelnud eesti noortest võitlejatest siirdusid paljud Eesti leegioni, kus nad saavad üksikasjalise eriväljaõppe. Neist noortest paistsid mitmed silma, eriti suure vahvusega Volhovi lahinguis ja teistes rindelõikudes, kus nad oma sangarlikkuse ja uljusega olid teistele eeskujuks.

Hiljuti annetati ühele neist vapratest rindevõitlejatest, sturmmann Edgar Tarestele, leegioni väeõppelaagris II kl. Raudrist. Raudristi kinnitas leegioni komandör, millist momenti näeme ka kõrvaltoodud pildil. Raudristi saanud leegionär, kellele oli juba varem annetatud Idamedal ja Rünnakmärk, paistis silma erilise julgusega Volhovi rindelahingus.

Saturday, July 24, 1943
Issue No. 10, Price: 10 pennies

Iron Cross for an Estonian Legionnaire

Many young Estonian fighters who volunteered on the Eastern Front joined the Estonian Legion, where they received specialized combat training. Among them, several distinguished themselves, especially for their bravery in the battles at Volkhov and other front-line sectors. Their courage and boldness made them role models for their fellow soldiers.

Recently, one of these brave front-line fighters, Sturmmann Edgar Tareste, was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class (II kl. Raudrist) at the Estonian Legion training camp.

The award was personally presented by the commander of the Estonian Legion, and this moment was captured in the photograph shown in the newspaper.

Other decorations received by Tareste:

  • "Eastern Front Medal" (Idamedal) – awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht and allied forces for participation in the winter campaigns on the Eastern Front.
  • "Assault Badge" (Rünnakmärk) – a decoration given for active participation in front-line attacks.

The article emphasizes that Tareste demonstrated exceptional bravery in the battles on the Volkhov front, which earned him the Iron Cross.

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