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Waffenrock of the obergefreiter of the 20th pionier battalion of the Wehrmacht

Branch: HEER
Product Code: o135/17
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Waffenrock of the obergefreiter of the 20th pionier battalion of the Wehrmacht. Salty condition, sleeve edges have holes due to use and wear. The tunic is completely in its original condition with all original insignia on it. Straps with nicely embroidered ciphers, combined hand embroidery trimmed with white chain stitch, also originally sewn on buttons holding the upper part of the shoulder strap with the number three, which means the third company. The eagle is sewn in with zigzag stitch. Small size - approx 46-48. The lining is marked with the acceptance stamp of military warehouse Geprüft - 3./Pi. 20. The owner of the uniform, Hans Klee.  KIA near Shlisselburg on September 10, 1941:   Hans Klee gefallen 11.9.41 als Unteroffizier in Pionier Bataillon 20 bei Schlüsselburg, bei Ladoga

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Waffenrock of the obergefreiter of the 20th pionier battalion of the Wehrmacht. Salty condition, sleeve edges have holes due to use and wear. The tunic is completely in its original condition with all original insignia on it. Straps with nicely embroidered ciphers, combined hand embroidery trimmed with white chain stitch, also originally sewn on buttons holding the upper part of the shoulder strap with the number three, which means the third company. The eagle is sewn in with zigzag stitch. Small size - approx 46-48. The lining is marked with the acceptance stamp of military warehouse Geprüft - 3./Pi. 20. The owner of the uniform, Hans Klee.  KIA near Shlisselburg on September 10, 1941:   Hans Klee gefallen 11.9.41 als Unteroffizier in Pionier Bataillon 20 bei Schlüsselburg, bei Ladoga

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