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Captain Boklan, bearer of orders and medals

Product Code: p53/59
Price: 38.50€55.00€


Captain Grigory Pavlovich Boklan, head of intelligence of the 1016th rifle regiment of the 288th rifle division.
Size 11 x 7.5 cm.


Few of the exploits. Representation for the Order of the Red Star: Comrade Boklan carried out combat missions of the command to capture a control prisoner, and carried out two successful operations in the daytime, thanks to which the enemy grouping was established in front of the defense of the division. Directly supervising operations: the first in the Vodose area of the Chudsky district of the Leningrad region on June 17, 1943. At 12:00 in the afternoon, without a shot or loss, he captured with his group at the bunker a German sentry, a light machine gun, and a gas mask of the 1943 model. The second operation was on June 27, 1943. At 12:00 in the afternoon, in the area of the Northern railway bridge across the Volkhov River in the Chudsky district of the Leningrad region, it was also successfully carried out in more difficult terrain. The reconnaissance group, acting skillfully, overcoming the enemy’s engineering obstacles, imperceptibly crawled up to the German observer from the rear, captured him, destroyed an officer and eight soldiers, took away a light machine gun with accessories, a gas mask, binoculars and documents of the killed Germans, set fire to a residential dugout and returned without loss to his location, having perfectly completed combat missions, Comrade Boklan is worthy of granting him to the government award of the Order of the Red Banner


Representation for the Order of the Red Banner: Comrade Baklan, participating in the offensive operations of the regiment, personally leading the reconnaissance group on February 25, 1944, successfully reconnoitered the location of enemy fire weapons in the area of the village of Zakhody, Porkhov District, Leningrad Region, thereby ensuring the advancement of the advancing units of the regiment. Having met the enemy reconnaissance group, he entered into battle with it, threw it back, did not allow the enemy to penetrate and reconnoiter the battle formations of the regiment. On January 26, 1944, while performing a combat mission, the intelligence command, Comrade Baklan, behind a group of scouts, suddenly broke into the village of Grustynya, Tosnensky District, Leningrad Region, captured a prisoner and documents and delivered them to the command. On January 28, 1944, he participated in the offensive operations of our troops on the city of Lyuban in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, having reached the line of defense of the enemy, Comrade Baklan raised scouts and shouting "Hurrah" with his group first broke into the city of Lyuban and led the advancing units of the regiment. In battle, he destroyed up to 50 Germans with his scouts, captured 7 German soldiers, attacked vehicles, caused panic, putting the enemy to flight, thereby ensuring the advance of our units forward, liberating the city of Lyuban. Comrade Baklan, working as an assistant chief of staff for intelligence since September 21, 1942, personally supervising all the operations carried out to capture a control prisoner, successfully conducted seven searches by capturing control prisoners, and two operations were carried out in daytime conditions. For the good organization, excellent performance of combat missions, the command, the courage shown by personal courage, I petition for the award of Comrade Baklan with a government award, the Order of the Patriotic War of the First Degree

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Captain Grigory Pavlovich Boklan, head of intelligence of the 1016th rifle regiment of the 288th rifle division.
Size 11 x 7.5 cm.


Few of the exploits. Representation for the Order of the Red Star: Comrade Boklan carried out combat missions of the command to capture a control prisoner, and carried out two successful operations in the daytime, thanks to which the enemy grouping was established in front of the defense of the division. Directly supervising operations: the first in the Vodose area of the Chudsky district of the Leningrad region on June 17, 1943. At 12:00 in the afternoon, without a shot or loss, he captured with his group at the bunker a German sentry, a light machine gun, and a gas mask of the 1943 model. The second operation was on June 27, 1943. At 12:00 in the afternoon, in the area of the Northern railway bridge across the Volkhov River in the Chudsky district of the Leningrad region, it was also successfully carried out in more difficult terrain. The reconnaissance group, acting skillfully, overcoming the enemy’s engineering obstacles, imperceptibly crawled up to the German observer from the rear, captured him, destroyed an officer and eight soldiers, took away a light machine gun with accessories, a gas mask, binoculars and documents of the killed Germans, set fire to a residential dugout and returned without loss to his location, having perfectly completed combat missions, Comrade Boklan is worthy of granting him to the government award of the Order of the Red Banner


Representation for the Order of the Red Banner: Comrade Baklan, participating in the offensive operations of the regiment, personally leading the reconnaissance group on February 25, 1944, successfully reconnoitered the location of enemy fire weapons in the area of the village of Zakhody, Porkhov District, Leningrad Region, thereby ensuring the advancement of the advancing units of the regiment. Having met the enemy reconnaissance group, he entered into battle with it, threw it back, did not allow the enemy to penetrate and reconnoiter the battle formations of the regiment. On January 26, 1944, while performing a combat mission, the intelligence command, Comrade Baklan, behind a group of scouts, suddenly broke into the village of Grustynya, Tosnensky District, Leningrad Region, captured a prisoner and documents and delivered them to the command. On January 28, 1944, he participated in the offensive operations of our troops on the city of Lyuban in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, having reached the line of defense of the enemy, Comrade Baklan raised scouts and shouting "Hurrah" with his group first broke into the city of Lyuban and led the advancing units of the regiment. In battle, he destroyed up to 50 Germans with his scouts, captured 7 German soldiers, attacked vehicles, caused panic, putting the enemy to flight, thereby ensuring the advance of our units forward, liberating the city of Lyuban. Comrade Baklan, working as an assistant chief of staff for intelligence since September 21, 1942, personally supervising all the operations carried out to capture a control prisoner, successfully conducted seven searches by capturing control prisoners, and two operations were carried out in daytime conditions. For the good organization, excellent performance of combat missions, the command, the courage shown by personal courage, I petition for the award of Comrade Baklan with a government award, the Order of the Patriotic War of the First Degree

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