Iron Cross II class 1939 PKZ 13 Gustav Brehmer Markneukirchen/Sa. Mint condition
Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwertern 1939. LDO L/11 Wilhelm Deumer. The cross has a slightly vaulted. The zinc is completely silver plated, which is quite rare for zinc awards from this manufacturer. Excellent condition, near mint.
Iron Cross II class 1939. PKZ 3 Wilhelm Deumer Lüdenscheid. Mint
Tiroler Landesschiessen 1938
Infanteriesturmabzeichen in Silber. Deumer/ Schickle. Buntmetall. Nice condition
Gau Baden Honour Badge, Gold Grade Fr. Klett Karlsruhe. Fine condition, extreme rare award. This badge was awarded to party members who were members of the NSDAP before November 9, 1923. Early issue badge. In hands badge looks much better
Hitlerjugend Badge in Silver by Karl Wurster from Markneukirchen. Heavy traces of wear, but still good condition.
Wächtler & Lange "100" Iron Cross 1939 Class 2 (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). Mint condition with shiny cold silver frame and magnetic core in excellent condition.
Iron Cross I Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse). Unmarked Wächtler und Lange, It has a gloss black paint magnetic core with the bright attractive frame. Great condition.
On hold
Steinhauer & Lück "4" Iron Cross 2nd Class on a ribbon (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939). Near mint shiny and really great looking cross. Magnetic core and cold silver finishing on a frame called in German as Hochpolierte Kante (Highly polished edges).
KVK2 made of zink War Merit Cross without swords, unmarked. Kriegsverdienstkreuz.
Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge - Fallschirmschützenabzeichen - produced by Steinhauer und Lueck. Eagle and wreath fully made of aluminum. Unmarked. Traces of wear, but still a lot of gold finish left intact. Really nice and rare German Paratrooper Badge.
Gustav Brehmer "13" Iron Cross 2nd Class. Mint condition, iron magnetic core with cold silver frame. Very attractive cross.
Erinnering an den 1 Oktober 1938 Medal - The October 1, 1938 Commemorative Medal for occupaion of Czechia in 1938. Mint shiny condition.
German Infantry Assault Badge - Infanteriesturmabzeichen. Hollow zinc construction with rectangular catch plate made by Wilhelm Deumer company. Near mint condition.
Czechia occupation medal on a ribbon - Die Medaille zur Erinnering an den 1 Oktober 1938. Good condition, only some tiny oxidation spots on the front side.
Paramilitary organisation badge from the region Tirol-Vorarlberg. This unit also called Standschuetzenverband. Made of brass, gilded, with red enamel and maker's mark for K. Pichl (A. Klammer), Innsbruck.
Unmarked War Merit Cross 2 made of brass. Some green oxidation, but still good condition.
Tirol-Vorarlberg Region Shooting Award Pistol 1942, Silver Grade.
By Carl Poellath from Schrobenhausen. Great condition.
Romanian Anti Communist Medal 1941.
Romania Recunoscatoare, Cruciada Impotriva Comunismului - Grateful Romania, Crusade Against Communism.
German soldiers were also awarded by this medal.
Party badge NSDAP M 1/160-E.Reihl-Linz. Pre-war production from an Austrian manufacturer, excellent quality and excellent condition. Extremely rare manufacturer
NS Reichsverband Deutscher Kriegsopfer (NSRDK) RZM M 1/52 Deschler. Badge in zinc
NSDAP party badge M 1/67-Karl Schenker-Schwäbische Gmünd. An early very rare badge from this maker, excellent quality with early large letters in excellent condition.
Miniature of DRA badge in bronze. Unmarked
Infanteriesturmabzeichen "H". Infantry Assault Badge. Unknown maker, extremely rare. Hollow back zinc with an H marking to the right of the hook. The badge is in complete excellent silver plating and in excellent condition. There is an opinion that the manufacturer is Robert Hauschild, but this has not yet been confirmed
Badge for civilian employees and workers in Luftwaffe, second type. Luftwaffe Abzeichen für Angestellte und Arbeiter zweite Form. Early, die stamped in brass. Silvered
16 mm badge of NSDAP sympathizer.
Wound Badge in Black or Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz. The badge is made of steel. Unmarked.
Eastern Campaign Medal (Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42). Marked with "30" for Hauptmunzamt, Wien.
3rd Reich Award "SA und SS Gau-Schi-Meisterschaft Oberbayern, Tölz 1933". Rare original die stamped steel.
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any return for is void. No reason is acceptable for returns of consignment items as we have given most of...
Steinhauer & Lück "4" Black Wound Badge - Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz.
This badge is made of steel. Makersmark "4" for producer Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid. Good condition with some traces of wear.
Infantry Assault Badge by Otto Schickle - Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Hollow Tombak construction, unmarked, good condition.
Infanteriesturmabzeichen-Glanzverzinkt. Steinhauer und Lück Lüdenscheid. Mint
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any return for is void. No reason is acceptable for returns of consignment items as we have given most of the money to the consignor.
Heer Schützenschnur Marksmen's Lanyard Grade 2, second pattern.
Good condition, traces of wear.
Hahn EH 126 Wound Badge - Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz.
This badge is made of steel. Makersmark "EH 126" for Eduard Hahn from Oberstein. Good condition with some traces of wear.
Deumer L/11 Black Wound Badge - Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz.
This badge is made of steel. Makersmark L/11 for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid. Good condition with some traces of wear.
A set of award documents for a railway official of the Third Reich. Certificate for the cross for 25 years of faithful service with a facsimile of Meissner, Minister of State and Chief of the Chancellery and Awards Department of the Reich Chancellor and the Reich Chancellery + award document for 40 years of faithful service with a facsimile of Hitler and other documents
Wilhelm Hobacher Infantry Assault Badge Silver Grade - Infanterie Sturmabzeichen. Solid Zink construction marked with "W.H.", excellent condition.
Rudolf Karneth General Assault Badge - Allgemeinessturmabzeichen.
Unmarked badge, but design features point to the maker Rudolf Karneth & Söhne. Late war zinc type covered by patina and age traces.
Romanian medal for the fight against communism: Romania Recunoscatore- cruciada impotriva comunismului 1941. Crusade against communism 1941. Excellent condition
Hymmen & Co. Infantry Assault Badge - Infanteriesturmabzeichen.
Unmarked, but design refers to the Hymmen & Co. production. Mint.
Friedrich Linden FLL Infantry Assault Badge - Infanteriesturmabzeichen.
Marked with "FLL" for Friedrich Linden producer. Solid zinc design with so called crimped hardware type. Really nice looking badge with some patina, good condition.
East Medal Award for German Soldiers on the Soviet Front issued in 1942.
Zinc medal, good condition, unmarked.
Driver Badge Bronze Grade (Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen) with Feldgrau cloth and back plate. Good condition with some patina.
Austrian occupation medal or Austrian Anschluss medal. It's made of brass (tombak) with a mat silver finish.
Iron Cross First Class 1939 Friedrich Orth on a piece of an authentic German officer's tunic. The pocket has two loops for other awards. Good condition
NSKK Member's tie or lapel pin. An Early brass example- NSKK Mitgliedsabzeichen, F. W. Assmann & Söhne of Lüdenscheid. Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps marked on the reverse with Assmann logo. 22,5 mm
Badge of a member of the Hitlerjugend, transitional period RZM 92-Carl Wild-Hamburg. Excellent condition
NSDAP membership badge M1/101RZM-Gustav Brehmer-Markneukirchen. Good condition with no visible traces of use. Superb quality die stamped steel, mid-war issue badge, silver plated and hot enamel
Early badge of a member of the NSDAP before 1935 No. 25 RZM -Rudolf Reiling-Pforzheim. The badge is in amazing condition, which is extremely rare and is an exception for such early badges that were worn daily on the wearer's clothing. Most often, such badges have the obligatory enamel chips and other damage. In this case, the specimen is fully plated with silver and without chi...
Austrian WWI veteran ribbon bar- six awards
Ribbon bar for three awards of an 1914-18 Great war Austrian veteran
WW1 Austrian Veteran Ribbon bar for two awards of an 1914-18 Great war
Ribbon bar for three awards of an Austrian veteran of the First World War
Medal for the crusaide against communism and the War Merit Cross, second class, 1939 ribbon bar for lapel
Loop ribbon bar for the Anschluss of Austria medal
Hindenburg Cross button hole ribbon bar