5 awards ribbon bar. KVK II, Austria Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz 2. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration Ehrenmedaille vom Roten Kreuz mit der Kriegsdekoration, Württemberg Militär-Verdienstmedaille, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938, Hungary Weltskriegererinnerungsmedaille
Reichsjugendsportabzeichen - RJA pin, silver grade, 3rd Reich sport association. Wernstein Jena. Good condition.
DRKB shooting badge, bronze class, Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser - Schießauszeichnung in Bronze zweite Form. Very good condition, bronzed zinc, unmarked, on a pin. 23 mm.
17 mm badge with a German soldier in a helmet. Gilded brass.
Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt Mitgliedsabzeichen M1/17 RZM-Assmann. Silver plated tombak. "National Socialist People's Charity". Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, NSV registered public organization in the 3rd Reich, founded as a branch of the NSDAP on May 3, 1933
Donation/sympatizer pin for 3rd Reich German VDA organization - Verein für Deutsche Kulturbeziehung im Ausland/Association for German cultural relations abroad. Hofstaetter Bonn Ges.Gesch. The donation pin is much rare than an enamel membership version.
WW1 &WW2 ribbon bar with 6 medals and Iron cross 1914. Good undamaged condition. Glued on the base of cellophane lacquer. Maybe a post-war issue
NSBO member pin. Brass. Ges Gesch marked Good condition
German Union of WWI Warrior’s memeber badge, 3rd Reich. A rare badge without precise attribution. White Maltese Cross with an image of a German helmet in its center and letters BEWK. Hot enamel, brass. The size is 24 mm.
Leistungsabzeichen des Standschützenverband Tirol-Vorarlberg'-'Gauleistungsabzeichen in Gold für Pistole - 1944' Shooting Tirol badge in gilded zinc in unworn, mint condition. The badge is makers marked on a pin-catch: 'C. Poellath - Schrobenhausen' 40 mm
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following...
Standschützenverband Tirol-Vorarlberg - Gaumeisterabzeichen 1944 in Gold mit Eichenlaubkranz " Pistole " Tirol Shooting badge in gilded zinc in oakleaves wreath in unworn, mint condition. The badge is unmarked. 23 mm
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any re...
Wehrmacht Miniature cockade. Aluminum. Mint.
West wall bag of issue - Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen Friedrich Orth
Mine Rescue Honor Medal ribbon, Grubenwehr-Ehrenzeichen 2, Modell 1938. We have it in qnt. Price is for one. Width: 25 mm. Length 15 cm.
Ribbon for 1.October 1938 medal. Anschluss Sudetenland, narrow variant - 25 mm width. Price for one piece 15 cm length.
Original KVK2 ribbon, Kriegsverdienstkreuz. War Merit Cross ribbon. Mint condition. We have them in qnt. Each 15 cm- Price is for one.
Volkstag Haida 1935, Sudeten Haida in Czech, now Nový Bor. Rare badge, most of them found is damaged, maker marked.