"Eckart the Trusty" from 1920th. Monthly/semi-monthly literary magazine for the German house. Printed in Vienna, Austria.
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
Adolf Hitler in the liberated Sudetenland. Thanks to the front. Polish fighters from t...
Warm food for the outposts. The lasso litter to South America. Behind the democratic mask: the imperialist Roosevelt. The Soviet positions at Kerch were considered impregnable. The high altitude defended by Caucasian snipers is climbed and defeated despite the strongest enemy artillery fire.
Warmes Essen für die Vorposten. Der Lasso Wurf nach Südamerika. Hinter der Demokrate...
Group W. attacks. Chungking without hope. The men of group W. The pith helmet of the German Africa soldier weighs only 270 g. Stars on the golden chain. "Unasked appears ..." - a detective novel by Hermann Freyberg. German girls greet German soldiers.
Gruppe W. greift an. Tschungking ohne Hoffnung. Die Männer der Gruppe W. Nur 270 g wiegt der Tropenhelm des deutschen Af...
Thermal, metallurgical and lubrication problems of the modern aircraft engine. Replacement construction in aircraft construction. External and internal political review. Order of the day from the Führer to the Wehrmacht. Order of the day from General Field Marshal Goering to the Luftwaffe. Political highlights. Germany's air reputation. Flight to Australia with a record stage o...
Illustrated German shorthand. On the march through Bulgaria the people everywhere support our troops with great willingness to help and without being asked. Here, locals present German soldiers with a large farmhouse bread after they had previously helped to fix a small breakdown. On the entry of the German troops in Bulgaria. From the Memelland.
Deutsche Kurzschrift illustr...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
May 1st, 1939. The most powerful parade in the world. The great day of the German Navy...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
With our flags there is victory! Heroes Remembrance Day 1941 in Berlin. The Führer and...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
The Führer thanked the armaments workers and the entire working German people. The Füh...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
The Reichsmarschall with a bomb squadron in northern France. The war disabled got the ...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
The Führer and Supreme Commander at Christmas with his soldiers. The people from Ostma...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
First Reich Conference of the Reich Colonial Union in Bremen. The captive balloon in W...
The Olympic flame was lit on the platform of the Temple of Zeus at noon on July 20 and is now being brought to Berlin by the torchbearers. The atmospheric photo shows the remains of the Temple of Hera in Olympia.
Auf der Plattform des Zeustempels wurde am 20. Juli mittags das Olympische Feuer entzündet, das jetzt von den Fackelträgern nach Berlin gebracht wird. Die stimmungs...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
Why is England at war with us? What is the German soldier fighting for? The effect of ...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
The best care for the best soldier, for the 10th year "German War Victims Care". Impre...
The central monthly newspaper of the NSDAP. Editor - the Reich Organizational Leader. War, maternity and comradeship. Everything for Germany. Wisdom word for German woman. Gauleiter Hans Schemm. From the "inner front". War and population development. German womanhood in difficult times. Hitler's mother pictures with words: I adored my father but loved my mother ( Ich ...
As you can see: in May, it's not just the heart that makes great leaps. The First May in Berlin. Desert becomes rich land. The buildings in Libya - witnesses to the spirit of the new Italy on African soil. I only know what love is since today...
Man sieht: im Mai macht nicht nur das Herz allein große Sprünge.1. Mai in Berlin. Aus Wüste wird reiches Land. Die Bauten in Libyen...
Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz. What would have become of the German people and Europe? Exciting moments. The naval war of the small boats in the Channel. We beat them at our own weapons. Small, but important: the felt boot in the service of war. Who is Helga? Who is Hilda? Two to choose from: dancing twin introduce themselves.
Großadmiral Karl Dönitz. Was wäre aus dem deutschen ...
The "helper on duty" in one of the accommodations of our Luftnachrichtenhelferinnen - helpers of the air force signal units. The lost rice pot: Burma - the land between two worlds. Be tough! The winter fighter in the east - an example for the homeland. Girls help win. The career of death. Our children - our future!
Die "Helferin von Dienst" in einer Unterkunft unserer L...
Flug und Werft - technical learning sheet of the German Labor Front. Aircraft construction - technical supplement to "Flug und Werft": the importance of standardization for aviation. April 20th. Political highlights. Germany holds the world speed record. Focke-Wulf aircraft construction. A German glider for the Olympics in 1940.
Flug und Werft - fachliches Schulung...
Corrosion and surface protection. Cooling and lubrication when drilling light metals. The Sudeten German economy. Judaism and its allies. International Aviation Exhibition Paris 1938. German aviation industries. Aircraft description - long-range reconnaissance flying boat Blohm & Voss Ha 138.
Korrosion und Oberflächenschutz. Das Kühlen und Schmieren beim Bohren von Leich...
Illustrated German shorthand. Photo report from the army school for signal helpers. Girl in the service of the army. Bombs for England.
Deutsche Kurzschrift illustrierte. Bildbericht aus der Heeresschule für Nachrichtenhelferinnen. Mädel im Dienste des Heeres. Bomben für England.
Total 16 pages.
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
HJ. marches in front of the Führer. The unforgettable appeal of the Reich Labor Servic...
The Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung is a war veterans monthly magazine published by the National Socialist War Victim's Care (NSKOV).
Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung - Monatsschrift der Frontsoldaten und Kriegshinterbliebenen der National-Sozialistischen Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) e.V.
Blücher's Buderose Castle: House of Front Poets. German front fighters delegation in P...
Soviet escape ships off Odessa in the hail of bombs. Six ships sunk, eight badly hit - pursuit of the defeated enemy between the Sea of Azov and Donets. New air raid on La Valetta. Another British submarine sunk in the Mediterranean.
Fluchtschiffe der Sowjets vor Odessa im Bombenhagel. Sechs Schiffe versenkt, acht schwer getroffen - Verfolgung des geschlagenen Feindes zwis...
The Bryansk pocket also smashed. So far 560,000 prisoners taken - the bulk of the German troops involved is free for other use. "Punctuation marks cannot be removed through wishes". Late discoveries in London - climax of the madness to question the official German reports.
Auch der Kessel von Brjansk zerschlagen. Bisher 560 000 Gefangene eingebracht - die Masse der...
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
After autumn storm. All guys with firm sailor's fists are involved to fix small sea damage on the upper deck of a submarine in the Atlantic. On the eve of November 9th: the Führer with his faithful. Ass...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
This is how the Soviets looked after the Volkhov refugees! The old one can no longer run; comple...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
The deadly eye in the Atlantic. To meet him is perdition and destruction. Millions of gross registered tonnage of enemy ships have so far fallen victim to the periscope of German submarine...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
A Briton was shot down over the Mediterranean in a fight with German fighters. When it hit the water, one of the wings came away and the machine itself went under. Strikes against the Empi...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Over the enemy convoy in the Atlantic: Four 50 kg bombs are chosen. Five enemy steamers have been identified by the German Condor aircraft. 16 hours of combat flight! One year of free Croa...
Self made german magazine for students "Eight Years' War" / "8 Jahre Krieg".
Sensational revelations about the struggle for maturity. Our Rittmeister. The company commanders. Returned home again. Ideal daily schedule for students. Our boxing trainer. The tallest in the school, etc.
Sensationelle Enthüllungen über den Kampf um die Reife. Unserm Rittmeister. Den Kompaniefüh...
Der Vierjahresplan ("Four-Year Plan"). Journal for National Socialist Economic Policy. Official communications from the Commissioner for the Four-Year Plan, Prime Minister Colonel-General Göring.
Der Vierjahresplan. Zeitschrift für nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik. Amtliche Mitteilungen des Beauftragten für den Vierjahresplan Ministerpräsident Generaloberst Göring.
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
Border station - half an hour stop! Advancing on the Don. Burning tanks and trucks mark the retreat roads of the Soviets, on which our troops advancing restlessly. Successful battles on all seas. New st...
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
On the way to the liberation of East Asia. The soldiers under the sun banner smash the forces of the plutocrats on all their fronts: America lost the Philippines, England lost its Indian possessions, th...
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
To the west! The observer discusses a change of course with his pilot. Under the massive fire of all weapons. "Hornets" in successful defense. Combative everyday life in the east. Field post wishes of o...
The Münchner Illustrierte Presse is an illustrated magazine printed by the Verlag Knorr & Hirth, Munich.
Die Münchner Illustrierte Presse, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München.
American prisoners in Tunisia. Certainly they went ashore in Africa with more hopeful faces. The disappointment about the completely different course of their "military walk through Tunis" is clea...
The Münchner Illustrierte Presse is an illustrated magazine printed by the Verlag Knorr & Hirth, Munich.
Die Münchner Illustrierte Presse, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München.
Reich Minister Speer examining a new German tank. How "Dorsetshire" and "Cornwall" sank. And the British aircraft carrier "Hermes". Stukas attack, Soviet tanks and supply columns are the target. A...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
Turtle soup tomorrow! A German submarine on a war march to America. The crew caught a turtle in ...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
The assault boat leader, he repeatedly crosses the Don under the enemy fire and tirelessly bring...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
German soldiers took him immediately. The pilot of a forced landing Soviet plane is captured by ...
The Beyers für Alle useful family magazine.
Beyers für Alle. Das nützliche Familienblatt.
Research in progress. Landing on the foreign shore. German warships in Trondheim. Man grows out of the clan. The almost lost handwriting. Roses as balcony decorations. Books are life companions. New blouses and dresses. Crocheted inserts with fabric connection.
Forschung im Fortsc...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
The working men want to celebrate their Christmas far north of the tree line. Far south, in the sparse coniferous forests of northern Finland, comrades have chosen a tree and sent it on th...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
The steep, 1500 meter high snow-covered Jaila Mountains in the Crimea were crossed by the German soldiers fighting. Now they descend the fertile, southern, lush slopes. Yalta conquered! In...
The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated magazine published by the Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
Die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, Druck und Verlag von Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.
The Japanese jungle soldier in Malaya's fever swamps. Despite ice and storm: submarines northwards! Ribbentrop's visit to Hungary. "What is Sammy running like that?", a novel about Jews in...
Der Vierjahresplan ("Four-Year Plan"). Journal for National Socialist Economic Policy. Official communications from the Commissioner for the Four-Year Plan, Prime Minister Colonel-General Göring.
Der Vierjahresplan. Zeitschrift für nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik. Amtliche Mitteilungen des Beauftragten für den Vierjahresplan Ministerpräsident Generaloberst Göring.
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
Our infantry is the best in the world. It has proven it on all the battlefields of the heroic struggle against plutocrats and Bolsheviks. Neither guns nor mud and dust can stop our advance! Tank ride in...
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
Back from the patrol. His submarine commander received the Knight's Cross, and he has every reason to be happy. Churchill's black day: Dieppe. The eagle eye of the army - the photos from our long-range ...
The Neue Illustrierte Zeitung is an illustrated weekly magazine printed in Berlin.
Die Neue Illustrierte Zeitung. Es ist illustrierte Wochenzeitschrift in Berlin gedruckt.
"Bolshevism is the enemy of every culture and order!" Together with members of all the culture-conscious nations of Europe, a contingent of Spanish volunteers is fighting in the "Blue Division" against ...
The Münchner Illustrierte Presse is an illustrated magazine printed by the Verlag Knorr & Hirth, Munich.
Die Münchner Illustrierte Presse, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München.
Romanian mountain troops in the Caucasus. Romanian mountain troops restrained on the edge of the important Caucasian traffic center Nalchik, which was taken with the support of German mountain tro...
The Münchner Illustrierte Presse is an illustrated magazine printed by the Verlag Knorr & Hirth, Munich.
Die Münchner Illustrierte Presse, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München.
Before the assault on Novorossiysk. The last of the heights studded with bunkers and machine-gun nests has been taken. The strong land and sea fortress Novorossiysk spreads out in front of the gaz...
The Münchner Illustrierte Presse is an illustrated magazine printed by the Verlag Knorr & Hirth, Munich.
Die Münchner Illustrierte Presse, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München.
Ready for defense. Behind bulletproof glass, the radio operator in the fighting machine watches out for enemy fighters with his machine gun. In the Kuban area. From the struggle of our Romanian al...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
A mother saw her son on the newsreel; her dearest wish is to get the photo of her son. Knight's ...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
The observer of a Ju-88 has his hands full, so a refreshment is immediately put in his mouth. Kn...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
Between the flights. Trapped by the Soviets for 14 days. Pictures of the devastating defensive b...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
A women's profession of our time: gymnastics teacher for the wounded. Hirsch, Einstein and Salam...
The Illustrierter Beobachter was a weekly magazine of the NSDAP and was published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in Munich from 1926 to 1945.
Der Illustrierter Beobachter war eine Wochen-Illustrierte der NSDAP und erschien von 1926 bis 1945 im Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. in München.
This is how they are brought down. Aircraft carrier - a crucial weapon in a sea battle. The prou...