Envelope of the 1st day with colorful marks and big Polish stamps for Adolf Hitler's birthday in 1944.
Size is about 16 x 11,5 cm.
Empty envelope with postmarks dedicated to the Day of Commitment to Youth in 1943 - Tag der Verpflichtung der Jugend.
Size is about 18 x 12,5 cm.
Empty envelope of the First day with a special stamp of Nurnberg party day in 1937 - Reichsparteitag der NSDAP.
Size is about 15 x 8 cm.
1st day empty postcard with the special Prague big stamp for Hitler's birthday in 1942 and Czech postmark.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
1st day postcard for SA competitions on July 2nd, 1937, in Lauenhain.
Size is about 15 x 10,5 cm.
1st day envelope with fuehrer's birthday on April 20, 1944. Braunau on Inn stamp with motto: "Germany will be victorious!"
Size is about 16 x 11,5 cm.
Propaganda weekly poster of the NSDAP made by Franz Eher Nachf. from Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
We have to find the courage to tread paths that no people so far have taken.
Wir müssen den Mut finden, wege zu gehen, die vor uns noch kein Volk beschritten hat.
The First Day postcard with stamp for SA-Wehrkampftage in 1942, Hameln, dated October 4th, 1942.
Size is about 15 x 9,5 cm.
The First day postcard with nice Reichsparteitag der NSDAP stamp dated September 6th, 1937.
Size is about 14 x 9 cm.
The first day postcard with postmark Wehrkampftage der SA 1942 and Coburg stamp dated 18.10.1942.
Size is about 15 x 9 cm.
The first day postcard in memory of the HJ meeting in 1936 with stamp of the Hochland camp.
Size is about 15 x 10,5 cm.
The first day postcard for SA event in Berlin in 1939 - SA.-Reichswettkämpfe in Berlin-Reichssportfeld.
Size is about 15 x 9,5 cm.
The first day postcard dedicated to the HJ summer camp in 1942 named 'Wilhelm Gustloff'.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
The first day postcard with stamps dedicated to the HJ - Hitler Youth - event in Kutno in 1941.
Size is about 15 x 9,5 cm.
The first day postcard - Zum 30. Januar / For January 30th - with the stamp dated April 30, 1938, Berlin. Adolf Hitler's birthday.
Size 13 x 10,5 cm.
The 1st day postcard dedicated to the Hitler's birthday in 1937. It has Berlin stamp also dated April 20th 1937.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
Small card of the first day with SA stamp on it and date 7.3.38.
Jeder Deutsche trägt das Zeichen des wehrhaften Geistes - Every German bears the mark of the defensive spirit.
Size is about 9 x 5 cm.
Postcard with the special Nuernberg Party Day stamp made in 1936 on so called Reichsparteitag der NSDAP.
Size is about 13 x 8,5 cm.
Postcard with special stamp of HJ camp Kurhessenlager dated 1938.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
Postcard with SA stamp dedicated to the competitions in Berlin in 1939. Dated 14.7.39.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
Postcard with interesting stamp for Marschstaffel zum Reichsparteitag der NSDAP from Gau Sachsen - march column to NSDAP party day of the reich from Saxony - dated September 7th, 1936.
Size is about 15 х 10,5 см.
Postcard of the first day with a special stamp dedicated to Hitler's visit in Coburg, 1942 dated - 20-Jahrfeier 16.-18. Oktober 1942. Mit Hitler in Coburg.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
Unfilled postcard of the first day for Fuehrer's 50th birthday / 50. Geburtstag des Führers with Winterhilfswerk postmark and very nice special Berlin stamp dated 20.4.1939.
Size 15 x 10,5 cm.
Postcard of the first day with the postmark Generalgouvernement and date April 20th, 1940, Krakau / Cracow.
Size 15 x 10,5 cm.
Postcard - 47. Philatelistentag - from 2nd till 5th of October, 1941, Philatelist Day in Vienna.
Size 15 x 10,5 cm.
German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
No task is so big that it could not be accomplished by a German.
Keine Aufgabe ist so groß, als dass sie von einem deutschen nicht gelöst werden könnte!
Weekly saying of NSDAP. Issued by propaganda administration of NSDAP. Central publisher of NSDAP. Franz Eher Nachf., Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Nothing is impossible for the German people.
Hermann Göring March 24, 1937
Dem deutschen Volke ist nichts unmöglich.
Hermann Göring 24.3.37
First day postcard with date April 20, 1938 - Hitler's birthday - and stamp from Vienna and postmark for April 10, 1938.
Size is about 14,5 x 10,5 cm.
First day postcard for SA sport competitions in Berlin in 1937, took place in August 1937 in so called Reichssportfeld Berlin or sport field of the Reich in Berlin.
Size is about 15 x 9,5 cm.
First day postcard for NS military games in Stuttgart on July 11th, 1937.
Size is about 15 x 10,5 cm.
First day postcard for führer's birthday in April 20, 1941, and stamp of town Obersalzberg.
Size is about 15 x 9,5 cm.
Filled postcard for NSDAP party day in Nuernberg from 5th till 10th of September, 1934. Nürnberg stamp accordingly dated 10.9.34.
Size is about 14 x 9 sm.
Envelope with Winterhilfswerk mark and special stamp with SA sport badge and nazi motto on it. Dated 1938.
Size is about 15 x 12 cm.
Envelope of the first day with Adolf Hitler and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart postmarks dated 20th of April, 1942. München - 'Mit dem Führer zum Sieg' / With the führer to victory.
Size 21,5 x 11 cm.
Envelope of the first day for April 20, 1938 - Hitler's birthday and stamp of town Braunau on river Inn.
Size is about 16 x 11,5 cm.
1st Day postcard with Nuernberg special stamp about SA defensive competitions in September 1942. Same postmark for this nazi SA event.
Size is about 15 x 10 cm.
German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
For us Germans, the Fuehrer's word is an order
Des Führers Wort ist für uns Deutsche Befehl
German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Whoever serves the people, will be blessed for that, and that is true glory.
Frederick the Great
Wer den Menschen Wohltat erweiset, wird dafür gesegnet, und das ist wahrer Ruhm.
Friedrich der Große
Propaganda weekly poster of the NSDAP made by Franz Eher Nachf. from Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Only bent the bow shows it's power.
Gebeugt erst zeigt der Bogen seine Kraft.
Propaganda poster containing one of the most popular motto said by Hitler or other German political leaders.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Only as strong government can insure peace. Peaceful assurances of our neighbors are certainly very valuable, but security is only found through our selves.
Nur eine starke Regierung kann den Frieden verbürgen. Friedliche Versicheru...
World War 2 NSDAP weekly motto issued by the Propaganda Office and printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Being ready is everything.
In Bereitschaft sein ist alles.
German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Now it is a matter of thinking how we can conduct the war in such a way that we make our enemies reluctant to disrupt the peace another time.
Frederick the Great, 1756, at the beginning of the Seven Years War.
Jetzt gilt es daran z...
World War 2 NSDAP weekly motto issued by the Propaganda Office and printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
It is better to sacrifice life than to sacrifice faithfulness.
Lieber das Leben als die Treue opfern.
Propaganda poster containing one of the most popular motto said by Hitler or other German political leaders.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
If you do not smash something when you make a big decision, if you do not neglect certain considerations, you will never die in this life.
Wenn man bei einem großen Entschluss nicht etwas übers Knie bricht, nicht einige Rücksichten ...
German regular party slogan issue printed by the Main NSDAP publisher in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Heroes created your Reich. Maintain this Reich so that the glory of the fathers does not become your shame.
Frederick the Great
Helden haben eure Reich geschaffen. Haltet dieses Reich aufrecht, damit der Ruhm der Väter nicht eure Schande wird.
Friedrich der Große
NSDAP weekly quote published by the Propaganda Office during the war.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
All nations that fought in World War I pay homage to the unknown soldier. In Paris he rests under the Arc de Triomphe, in London he sleeps his last sleep under the black marble of Westminster Abbey - but in Berlin he resides in the Reich Chancellery! - Germany is the only country in whi...
Saying poster produced by the Central publisher of the NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Bolshevism is not a party, not an ideology. It is organised crime.
Der Bolschewismus ist keine Partei, ist keine Weltanschauung. Er ist das organisierte Verbrechertum.
Propaganda weekly poster of the NSDAP made by Franz Eher Nachf. from Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
We fight for the security of our people, for our living space.
Adolf Hitler 8th of November 1939 in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich
Wir kämpfen für die Sicherheit unseres Volkes, für unseren Lebensraum.
Adolf Hitler 8. Nov. 1939 im Bürgerbräukeller zu München
NSDAP weekly quote published by the Propaganda Office during the war.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
In order to achieve great success, something has to be dared.
Um große Erfolge zu erreichen, muss etwas gewagt werden.
Propaganda poster containing one of the most popular motto said by Hitler or other German political leaders.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
In this war it is not luck that will triumph but rather justice that will finally prevail.
Adolf Hitler
In diesem Kriege siegt nicht das Glück, sondern endlich einmal das Recht.
Adolf Hitler
Saying poster produced by the Central publisher of the NSDAP in Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
England has cobbled together her gigantic empire not through contracts or concise agreements, but exclusively through force.
Adolf Hitler
Nicht etwa durch Verträge oder bündige Abmachungen, sondern ausschließlich durch Gewalt, hat England sein riesenhaftes Imperium zusammengezimme...
Der Sieg wird unser Sein - Victory will be ours. German war patriotic poster. It has been damaged due to age, the corners of the top of the poster are frayed, there are slight bruises, but overall in very good condition for a display. Looks great! The size of the poster is 59 x 83 cm.
German WW2 propaganda poster made by the main party publisher.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Light. Life. Fight. Victory. What can happen to a people, whose youth renounces everything in order to serve its great ideal.
Licht. Leben. Kampf. Sieg. Was kann einem Volke geschehen, dessen Jugend auf alles verzichtet, um seinem großen ideale zu dienen.
German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
What the german farmer has achieved during the recent years, is something singular and unique.
Adolf Hitler
Was der deutsche Bauer in den letzten Jahren geleistet hat, ist etwas einziges und einmaliges.
Adolf Hitler
German poster with the popular political saying of the leaders of the Third Reich. Printed in Munich by Franz Eher Nachf.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
There is fight everywhere. Without fight no life and if we want to continue to live, we have to be prepared for further fights.
Kampf ist überall. Ohne Kampf kein Leben und wollen wir weiterleben. So müssen wir auch auf we...
NSDAP weekly poster issued by the Propaganda Office.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
Only when I create am I completely myself.
Richard Wagner
Ganz bin ich nur was ich bin wenn ich schaffe.
Richard Wagner
NSDAP quote: "Work honors women as well as men. But the child ennobles the mother." Adolf Hitler.
Weekly saying of NSDAP. / From 21st till 27th of May 1939.
Issued by district propaganda administration of NSDAP. / Central publisher of NSDAP. Franz Eher Nachf., Munich.
Size 35 x 24 cm.
"Die Arbeit ehrt die Frau wie den Mann. Das Kind aber adelt die Mutter." Adolf Hitle...