Luftwaffe Schützenschur 6th class for anti-aircraft artillery. The shooting cords of grades 1-4 are blue, whereas the cords of grades 5 are silver, braided with gray-blue threads, and adorned with a zinc badge with a wreath of oak leaves, and a pendant resembling a projectile. All pins of the badge have been broken and it's attached to the backing with threads.
Luftwaffe paratrooper badge embroidered version. The badge has traces of use, very neatly and elegantly lined with cloth.
Luftwaffe paratrooper's badge Steinhauer & Lück Fallschirmschützenabzeichen. The badge has a manufacturing defect: a small piece is missing from the top ray of the swastika. Otherwise, the badge is in excellent condition. No markings, but a typical from the S&L factory.
Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen - Wurster. Marked W on the reverse.
Infantry assault badge in bronze Hymmen. Excellent condition with light wear. Hollow stamping and zinc.
Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze FLL 43. The badge is made of zinc in excellent condition. Bronzing is practically absorbed into the zinc due to diffusion.
3rd Grade Wound Badge (E.S.P) Eugen Schmidthausser. The badge is made of zinc. There is virtually no black paintwork. Otherwise, excellent condition.
Lapel type of the NSDAP member badge. This badge made of steel and has no RZM code number. Overall good condition.
Dessau Gautag 1938 Badge, region Magdeburg-Anhalt. This badge made of brass, hollow-back construction, unmarked.
4 years long Service in Wehrmacht Medal (Treue Dienste in der Wehrmacht).
War Merit Cross (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse 1939) made of zinc.
Marked with "88" for maker Werner Redo from Saarlautern.
Sew-In Medical Shoulder Straps for lower ranks with dark green backing and dark blue piping, waffenfarbe for so called Sanitätspersonal. Good condition, matching pair.
Sew-In Artillery Leutnant's Shoulder Boards for parade or walkout uniform (Waffenrock). Early. Normally such a braid issued to Kriegmarine services. Most probably an coastal artillery unit
Matching pair, good condition.
Officers Breast Eagle with the traces of usage on uniform. Embroidered type for Heer units.
Oberstabsarzt Medical Green Gebirgsjäger Shoulder Boards. Normally Gebirgsjaeger doctors used blue main Waffenfarbe, but in this case he used original mountain troops color- green
Green Waffenfarbe backing for Mountain Troops. Length 9,5 cm. Near mint condition.
Oberschütze Rank Insignia for light HBT uniform used in the beginning of the war.
Price for one! We will choose one at our own discretion.
Oberschütze Rank Insignia for green HBT or Drillich uniform.
Price for one! We will choose one at our own discretion.
Officers Collar Tabs with dark blue Waffenfarbe weaving for Medical personnel or Sanitätspersonal. Unworn condition.
Medical Oberfeldwebel's Shoulder Straps with dark blue piping for Medical personnel (Sanitätspersonal).
Matching pair in near perfect condition with wool piping.
Medical Leutnant's Shoulder Boards matching pair in perfect condition. Dark blue backing color for Sanitätspersonal.
German pre-war and WW2 period rang insignia for youth organizations Hitler Jugend / Deutsches Jungvolk.
HJ-Scharführer or DJ-Jungzugführer sleeve rang insignia with paper RZM tag attached on the backside.
EXTRA RARE Stalingrad Crosses Cyphers for shoulder boards/straps. Field/trench made a matching pair. Originals are only a field made, there are no honest survived examples known.
Crosses made of aluminum, size 37 x 30 mm.
Engineers black Officers Collar Tabs for field uniform in worn condition. Fully matching pair.
Early Collar Tabs Litzen for Signal Troops, 1935 year pattern with lemon yellow Waffenfarbe for Nachrichtentruppen or Signal troops. Matching pair in mint condition.
Artillery Unteroffizier's Shoulder Straps. Sew-in construction, matching pair, good condition.
Administrative Official's Sew-In Shoulder Boards. Good matching pair, near perfect condition.
Arm band "Deutsche Wehrmacht", perfect unissued condition.
The Ahnenpaß (ancestor pass) documented the Aryan lineage of people in the German Reich.
This book belonged to Hilde Irsigler.
The Ahnenpaß (ancestor pass) documented the Aryan lineage of people in the German Reich.
This book from 1940 belonged to Maria Reindl from Linz.
Deutsches Einheits Familienstammbuch started in 1922 for Police Oberwachtmeister Wilhelm Wallesch from Berlin.
Partly filled. The book contains information about the ancestors of the owner of the book.
Fallschirmschützenabzeichen Osang Dresden. The eagle is made of Buntmetall coated in white silver, the wreath is made of Kriegsmetal with silver plating. Excellent condition. Maker's mark on reverse on the eagle.
Wehrmachtserkennungsmarke Baukolonne 112
Wehrmacht Erkennungsmarke 2 Batterie Artillerie Ersatzabteilung I/211
Wehrmacht Erkennungsmarke 1.Kompanie Kraftfahrersatzabteilung 46
Erkennungsmarke Wehrmacht 1.Kompanie Bauersatzbataillon 3
Erkennungsmarke Wehrmacht Panzerabwehrersatzkompanie 73
Erkennungsmarke Wehrmacht 3 Kompanie Landschützen Bataillon 825
Chin strap for a visor hat for lower ranks of the Waffen-SS. The strap is made of Pressstoff/ artificial leather
3rd Reich diplomatic corps or Government Official’s dagger. ALCOSO, SOLINGEN - and the ACS logo with scales. The silver plated hilt fittings have some minor surface wear with a nice patina to the eagle head pommel, scabbard, and crossbar. The pearl grips are excellent, without cracks, chips, or other damage. The blade is in excellent condition with light surface wear and no nic...
Set of a holder of the German Cross in gold from the 37th armored engineering battalion: Panzer Pionier Battaillon 37. The set includes two certificates for awarding the German Cross in gold, a gift frame from colleagues in the second company on which there is an embroidered version of the German Cross in gold framed by a metal wreath from oak and laurel branches, below there i...
Wehrmacht anti-aircraft gunner badge in Buntmetal - Juncker. Very nice badge in excellent condition.
NB! This is a consignment item.
Shooting award Preisschießen Kufstein 1942 . Zink with soldered-on set up. Maker marked on the needle "C. Poellath, Schrobenhausen"
Infanteriesturmabzeichen in Silber Franke, Dr. & Co. Near to mint condition. Gorgeous frosty silvering
Wound Badge in Black or Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz. The badge is made of steel. Marked L/56. Visible traces of wearing on the uniform.
Wound Badge 1939 Black Grade called Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz made of brass with no makersmark. Worn condition traces, hook and needle are bent.
During the war local shooting clubs in Tirol region were also playing role of the paramilitary units called Standschützen Bataillons. This badge was a prize from a shooting competition they held. It's made of zinc and produced by Karl Pichl from Innsbruck.
Wächtler und Lange wound badge silver grade, double marked L/55 and PKZ 100. Excellent condition with patina. Zinc in silvering
The October 1, 1938, Commemorative Medal or Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1939. On October 1st, 1938, so called Anschluss of Czechoslovakia took place. Medal unmarked, near mint condition.
NSDAP party badge with RZM code M1/105 for maker Hermann Aurich from Dresden. This badge made of brass, it has some tiny cracks on enamel. Overall good condition.
Late version NSDAP member badge with RZM code M1/159 for Hans Doppler from Wels. There is a loss of red and white paint.
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanteriesturmabzeichen). It is marked with "4" for maker Assmann & Söhne. Zinc solid construction. Hook is broken.
Eastern Campaign Medal (Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42). It's made of zinc. Unmarked.
Member badge of a German women's organization (DFW).
The Deutsches Frauenwerk was a German WW2 period Association for women created in October 1933.
M1/120 RZM maker's code refers to Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid.
Member badge of a German women's organization (DFW).
The Deutsches Frauenwerk was a German WW2 period Association for women created in October 1933.
M1/105 RZM maker's code refers to Hermann Aurich from Dresden.
Luftwaffe Feldivisions collar tabs of armored reconnaissance. Mint condition. Felt. We have few pairs in stock. Price is for 1 pair.
Set of insignia for Wehrmacht Medical Waffenrock for lower ranks. This set is containing of fully matching collar tabs pair and 4 sleeve tabs. Near mint condition.
Early Lemon Yellow set of insignia for Signal troops Waffenrock for lower ranks. It is containing matching collar tabs and 4 sleeve tabs.