Russisch-Deutsch für die Metallbearbaitungs-Industrie und Automobilbau - Russian-German for the metalworking industry and automobile construction, 1942. The technical terms in operation.
Pocket size 15,5 x 12 cm, 96 pages.
92 pages in total.
A lot of technical information about models KS 200, SB 200, SB 200 A, SPORT 250, SB 350, SB 500, and SB 500 A.
Pocket size 15 x 11,5 cm, 144 pages.
Dedicated to Christmas 1942.
16 pages in total.
It contains 6 colorful tables with German Luftwaffe uniform and insignia, pocket size 13,5 x 9,5 cm.
There is some minor damage.
The first day cover dated April 20, 1942.
'Briefmarkenhaus' or "stamp house" in Colditz, Saxony.
Size ca. 15 x 10.5 cm.
It's about a referendum in 1938 for accession to Germany, April 10, 1938.
Size 15 x 10.5 cm.
Issued to 18 years old Kurt Heumesser after finishing the Technical Illustrator course in firm Dipl. Ing. Ernst Rothenbach in Vienna.
Given in very late war time, in March of 1945 to Erich Dobler after finishing a business course by the firm Eisenhandlung Franz Seidler in Vienna.
There is some minor damage/repairs.
Anniversary of the occupation of Poland first day cover dated October 26, 1943.
Size 15 x 12 cm.
Anniversary of the occupation of Poland first day cover dated October 26, 1943.
Size 15 x 12 cm.
The first day issue card with the 'Generalgouvernement' postage stamps dated November 13, 1942.
Size 14.7 x 10.3 cm.
"Leben und Werk des Führers" - Life and work of the Führer, national exhibition in Home of Labor in Hamburg April 17-20, 1937.
Post stamps with the Bridge over river Saale and memorial in Nuremberg.
Size 10.3 x 10.3 cm.
The first day cover dated November 25, 1941.
Size 14 x 10 cm.
A first day cover for Malmedy becoming German again stamp and date May 18, 1940.
Size 15 x 10.5 cm.
A first day cover for Malmedy becoming German again stamp.
Size 12 x 8 cm.
Envelope with the Third Reich postage stamps dated April 4th, 1944.
Size 16 x 11.5 cm.
Issued to the student Erich Dobler by Vocational school in Vienna.
This lot contains:
Die Deutsche Volksgasmaske Gebrauchsanweisung - The German people's gas mask VM 40 instructions for use;
Gasschutz Taschentafel - Gas protection pocket reference;
Mein Eigentum, Inventar-Verzeichnis für den Notfall - My property, emergency inventory list.
"We want to be nothing for ourselves, but everything for our people. We don't want to achieve anything for ourselves, but everything only for Germany, because we are perishable, but Germany must live."
Size 11,5 x 7,5 cm.
The Olympia Zeitung was the official newspaper of the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin and was published by Reichssportverlag.
The newspaper appeared daily from July 21 to August 19, 1936.
This show took place in the occupied city of Charkov. German Wehrmacht captured the city on October 24th, 1941. Issued by Army propaganda company
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanteriesturmabzeichen). It is unmarked but has design features related to the maker Juncker. Buntmetall (Tombak) hollow construction covered with silver.
FDC for the occupation of Czechoslovakia on March 15th, 1939.
Size 14 x 9 cm.
It's dedicated to the SA gathering in Nuremberg called 'Wehrkampftage der SA', dated September 13, 1942.
Size 15 x 10.5 cm.
"Leben und Werk des Führers" - Life and work of the Führer, national exhibition in Home of Labor in Hamburg April 17-20, 1937.
Post stamps with the Munich Reich border and German Alpine Road.
Size 10.3 x 10.3 cm.
In addition, there is a map of the military training area Baumholder.
Printed in 1941 in Frankfurt am Main in Germany by Ravenstein.
Map size 99,5 x 69,5 cm.
Map of France, Near East, North-East Egypt, Mediterranean countries and the Danube region.
Size when unfolded 73 x 55,5 cm.
This is also related to the German Nazi-era sport badges like Reichsjugendsportabzeichen or Reichssportabzeichen (DRL).
This album contains 103 photos mostly related to the Kriegsmarine military service before and during the war period, many ships and U-boats as well as bigger ships and battle/practice scenes of different kinds included, portraits of U-boat crewmen, etc.
Printed in Germany in 1933 by Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld. This book is full of small colorful photos illustrating the story of Hitler and the NSDAP party and all its subsidiary organizations like RAD, Hitler Youth, and many others. There are 92 pages in total.
There is some minor damage.
Issued to Rudolf Gradmann in 1937.
This collection includes:
Wir bauen uns Flugzeuge - We build airplanes, a little introduction for every German boy;
Schemes for assembling the gliders "Der grosse Reiher", "Rhön", and "Ursinus". Issued by NS-Fliegerkorps.
This lot consists of:
7x boxes 12 x 7,5 x 2,5 cm;
5x boxes 10,5 x 7,5 x 4,5 cm;
2x boxes 10,8 x 7,1 x 3,5 cm;
2x blank postcards;
11x sheets for mail;
33x forms for field mail;
1x Blockpost with sheets for mail;
This postcard was sent back home by a Kriegsmarine seaman from the Kiel navy base in 1942.
Postage stamps about different places in regions Steiermark and Kaernten.
The first day issue cover dated October 1st, 1941.
Size 15 x 10.5 cm.
Empty envelope with four Beer Hall Putsch November 9th, 1923 stamps with the special date 4.4.44.
Size 16 x 11.3 cm.
A first day cover for 'Ein Volk steht auf' stamp, Berlin.
Size 16 x 11,3 cm.
Anniversary of the occupation of Poland first day cover dated October 26, 1940.
Size 15,7 x 9,1 cm.
Famous German military magazine dated March 22nd, 1944.
Some topics from this issue:
A picture report by the war correspondent Scheerer of the counterattack of a mountain infantry regiment;
On the road to Aprilia (Italy);
The battlefield of Nettuno;
Assault Brigade of the Waffen-SS Wallonia near Cherkasy on the Eastern Front and other articles.
Total pages 24....
A first day cover for Day of the Stamp - Tag der Briefmarke - January 11, 1942.
Size 14,8 x 10,5 cm.
War Memorial Day stamps cover dated April 19, 1936.
Size 15,5 x 10 cm.
There are Krakow and April 20 on the cover.
Size 15.5 x 12.5 cm.
Waffenrock of the obergefreiter of the 20th pionier battalion of the Wehrmacht. Salty condition, sleeve edges have holes due to use and wear. The tunic is completely in its original condition with all original insignia on it. Straps with nicely embroidered ciphers, combined hand embroidery trimmed with white chain stitch, also originally sewn on buttons holding the upper part o...
German Brandflashen igniters bag for Panzerjager. Just a couple of such bags are known and are extremely rare. The long part of the strap is partially damaged and missed. The bag is made of similar to fire-resistant cloth as used on the protective German Flamethrower uniforms. The bag has been found in the box of 10 Brandflashen grenades in the German bunker near Smolensk and s...
Steel hook for a German combat belt. Schließhaken zur Koppel J.C. Maedicke Berlin 1940 Werk Brandenburg (Havel). Marking "M" in a square and 40 indicate the year of production 1940 and the logo of the aforementioned manufacturer. Mint. We have them in quantity. Price is for 1 pcs.
TeNo Hewer. Stamped with a No. 1155. Minor traces of use and light scratches on the nickel plating of zinc parts. Excellent condition
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that, any return for is void. No reason is acceptable for returns of consignment items as we have given most of the m...
TeNo dagger for officers. Manufactured by Eickhorn Solingen. Stamped with a punch from No. 2057. Abrasion of the plastic handle and small abrasions and losses on the nickel coating of zinc parts. Original knot. Good condition with traces of use.
NB! This is a consignment item. Consignment item has an inspection period of 14 days following receipt of the item, and after that,...
Fliegererinnerungsabzeichen Juncker and a set of documents for Oberfeldwebel Heinz Köhler. The set includes a badge made of buntmetal by Juncker in its original case, nice patina, and excellent condition, as well as five documents: a medal for the Anschluss of the Czechoslovak with a Prague clasp, a promotion document to non-commissioned officer 3./ Kampfgeschwader 77. Rewardin...
Badge of a participant in the meeting of the National Socialist Union of Teachers in Gottingen on May 27, 1934. Gautagung des NSLB Gau Südhannover-Braunschweig 27.5.1934 Göttingen
Badge of a participant in the NSDAP district rally in the city of Eltsin on May 29, 1938. Kreistreffen NSDAP UELZEN 29.5.1938
Gemeinsames Flugzeugführer - und Beobachterabzeichen FLL. A typical badge made by the Friedrich Linden factory in Lüdenscheid. The end of the war issue. Poor quality gilding and silver plating partially diffused into zinc. Like many badges of the end of the war, ugly riveted on the reverse. The eagle is fixed loosely and has a slight backlash.
Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber Funcke & Brüninghaus. Very nice silvered badge, unmarked
Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz EH Eduard Hahn. Black wound badge, 1939. Unknown variant with helmet marked, bottom left: "EH". The known variant from this maker is marked with "126" and has large letters under the hinge, and it is also made of steel. But this badge is made of brass and has not been seen among collectors with such markings. Traces of a strong wear, black...
Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz 1939 L/11.Deumer. Heavily worn
Set of insignia for the Wehrmacht Waffenrock. Administration. Dark green Waffenfarbe color. Mint. We have few sets in stock. Price is for 1 set.