First Day Patriotic Greeting Card: Ein Jahr NSDAP im Generalgouvernement Krakau 15-17.8. 41. We have few pcs.in stock in same condition, Price is for one
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 35, “Konvoi in Sicht”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 38, “Dichthalten”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Wehrmacht cars moving through the Western Dvina river (Daugava). 1941
size: 8,5x5,5cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 93, “Vorausabteilung Hagen hält Grepy”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 62, “Und trotzdem Sieger”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 100, “Notlandung im Hafen von Narvik”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 141, “In boca al lupo”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 68, “Hein Bordersen, der Flieger”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 64, “Giftzwerg, der Minenmixer”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 47, “Fernaufklärer über England”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 16, “Englands erste Schlappe”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 61, “Drei Hürras für "Blücher"”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 30, “Dem Feinde entronnen”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 49, “Calais stürmreif”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Books for HJ/DJ series - Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 77, “"Ludolf Oldendorff" kehrt heim”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Books for HJ/DJ series - Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 60, “Feindjäger über der Maas”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Lauksaimnieks, nr 15 Latvian wartime magazine August of 1943. Period of German occupation.
Latvian war time magazine Lauksaimnieks, August of 1943. Period of German occupation,
September of 1943. Latvian magazine Lauksaimnieks, nr 17 issue. Made during the 3rd occupation with a period 3rd Reich propaganda,
September of 1943. Latvian magazine Lauksaimnieks, nr 18. Made during the 3rd occupation with a period 3rd Reich propaganda,
Lauksaimnieks, nr 20 Latvian wartime magazine October of 1943,
Lauksaimnieks, nr 21 Latvian wartime magazine November of 1943,
Lauksaimnieks, nr 7-8 Latvian wartime magazine April of 1943.
German leaflet, Kna 22 / The Red Banner still blows over the city of Narva
The Red Banner Still Flies Over the City of Narva
Officers and Soldiers of the Red Army!
Your campaign against Finland, launched by your command to destroy it, ended in failure and cost tens of thousands of your comrades' lives.
Now we see you urgently transferred from Finland to the Narva fr...
Envelope of the first day dedicated to the anniversary of the first year of the Generalgouvernement. Ein Jahr Generalgouvernement KRAKAU 26.X.40. The envelope was opened by knife from the top side.
First day postcard Krakow Tag Der NSDAP der Generalgouvernement Krakau 13-15.
Special cancellation postcard - Tag der Wehrmacht Infanterie Ersatz Regiment. 56 Propaganda against Greatbritain
"Wo wie England schlagen können, werden wir England schlagen." der Führer am 30. Januar 1941.
Wehrmacht ambulance car in the garage for repair
size: 6x9cm
The meal. The Red Army POW's who voluntarily surrendered to the enemy received their first “Soup is ready!”, which is constantly mentioned in German leaflets.
size: 10x7cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 94, “Scheinwerfer "Caesar"- Licht auf!”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 46, “Kameraden der HE114”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
German Gebirgsjäger photo
size: 6x8,5cm
WWII Victory In the West - Sieg Im Westen Der Kriegsfilmbericht des Heeres. Herausgegeber und verantwortlich für Inhalt und Gestaltung: Pressgruppe des Heeres, 48 pages, size: 27x36 cm. Some damage.
Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank gun 4,2 cm Pak 41 shooting instruction: fighting against enemy tanks. The chart with areas of the enemy tanks armor penetration. Has inscription: "Only for service use! Do not fall into enemy hands!". Panzer-Shooting board (fighting against hard-to-fight armored vehicles) The 42 mm Pak 41 was produced for use by Fallschirmjäger troops.
Photo of german RAD soldier
size: 8,5x13,5cm
Female in the M 40 tunic for eastern volunteer, note two horizontal lines added to the central part of the shoulder straps.
size: 6x9cm
Postcard - "Foasend Zwischen Bunker"
size: 14x9cm
The Pak 35 repair and cleaning at the eastern front, 1941 year, Ukraine
size: 9x6cm
Shock troop at the Grobina near Libau on 23rd of June in the evening. At the crossroad east of Grobina, a Soviet armored scout car is being used against the Bolsheviks.
Stoßtrupp bei Grobina Vor Libau am 23. Juni abends. An der Straßenkreuzung ostwärts Grobina wird ein soeben eroberter sowjetischer Panzerspähwagen gegen die Bolschewisten eingesetz
Kampf und Kunst. 2. Stos...
Riga: Blackheads House and Petri Church are burnt out ... The part of Old Riga's burned down by the Bolsheviks with the Blackheads House and the Petri Church
Riga: Schwarzhäupterhaus und Petri-Kirche sind ausgebrannt... Der von den Bolschewisten niedergebrannte Teil der Altstadt Rigas mit dem Schwarzhäupterhaus und der Petri- KircheKampf und Kunst. 15. Riga: Schwarzhäpterhaus ...
Riga with flags hung by the Latvian people in celebration of the liberation
Riga: Marstallstraße im Flaggenschmuck. Marstallstraße in Riga mit von der lettischen Bevölkerung zur Feier der Befreiung herausgehängten Fahnen
Kampf und Kunst. 14. Riga: Martstallstrasse im Flagenschmuck, 1941. Front-Arbeiten der Propaganda-Kompanie der Armee von Küchler. Size: 28x38cm, picture ...
Repair of the RAD stuff Wanderer car, clearly visible tactical insignia and license plate
.size: 9x6cm
German soldiers training in the winter time
size: 9x6cm
German RAD officer
size: 5,5x8,5cm
West wall bag of issue - Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen Friedrich Orth
Colored ciphers for German WW2 shoulder boards.10 mm. We have each cipher in quantity. Please mark in order description the color and "cipher" name you are buying. Or you can send us just a mail order with the list of ciphers you need. Mint. Price is for one piece.
Black: 0 (last one), 1, 4, 5
White: 0, ...
Technical textbook for wehrmacht soldiers Part IV Soldatenbriefe zur Berufsförderung. Aufbaulehrgang Hochbau und Tiefbau. Herausgegeben vom Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Abt. J/WU, in der Reihe der Tornisterschrifter. 15 Januar 1941. 8. Brief Verlag: Ferdinand Hirt/Breslau, Leipzig. 32 pages, size: 15x21cm
WW2 propaganda leaflet for Red Army soldiers about "true life of Russian POW in German captivity ". 660/ IV. 43
size: 20,5x14,5cm, 2 pages
Listen to What Your Comrades Are Saying!
Prisoner of war A.V.I., captured on April 12, 1943, stated:
*"…I was taken prisoner while wounded. I wanted to take my own life, but a German soldier prevented me. German soldiers to...
WW2 leaflet. Issued by German propaganda for RKKA soldiers of 11 Rifle Division at the Narva front, 1944. Price is for one. size: 14,5x20,5cm
Soldiers and Officers of the 11th Rifle Division! Join Us!
Why Are We Calling You?
Because Stalin is forcing you to perish in swamps and mud, leading you to death for global domination. Do you really want to die like dogs on fore...
Propaganda leaflet fro Russian soldiers. "True about life in German captivity" 649 Gg III/ 43, size: 15x9
Leaflet issued by German headquarters. So called "Order #13", AN 128a. Propaganda fro Russian soldiers. Size: 9x14,5cm, 2 pages. Price is for one pcs.
German propaganda for Russians, WW2. 436 RA/vp/VIII/ 42 size: 7,5x5cm, 2 pages
German leaflet for Russian soldiers. Mid of war. Price is for one. size: 15x9cm, 2 pages
Soldiers, Commanders, and Political Officers!
The head of the Political Administration of the Red Army, Shcherbakov, in a "top-secret" order, demands the spread of lies about German commanders fleeing the battlefield. Comrade Shcherbakov does not want you to know the truth. He o...
The tanks going to the sea. Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend, Heft 52, “Panzer stossen züm Meer”, 32 pages, 15x21cm
On the streets of Rudina - Estonia. The wartime reproduction of artworks from 1941 year, Eastern front. Kampf und Kunst. 26. An der Strasse nach Rudina, 25. July 1941. Front-Arbeiten der Propaganda-Kompanie der Armee von Küchler. Size: 28x38cm, picture size: 28,5x21cm. Reproduction.
Kampf und Kunst. 25. Sommerliches Idyll, 23. July 1941. Front-Arbeiten der Propaganda-Kompanie der Armee von Küchler. 28,5x21cm