WW2 Soviet soldiers self-made spoon with the date of the birth marked on the reverse.
RKKA peacetime field mess hall bowl, aluminum. Sell as is. Condition is in the pics.
Red Fleet Ships reference book of the military fleets of the Baltic States. Marked - "Secret". 1936. Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Справочник корабельного состава военных флотов Прибалтийских государств. Для служебного пользования. Разведывательный отдел Краснознаменного Балтийского флота, Кронштадт 1936. 177 pages, size: 12,5х17,5cm
Red Baltic fleet newspaper " Stalin's watch", Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on awarding the Admiral of the Fleet - Kuznetsov with the 1st class of Order of Ushakov. Краснофлотская газета "Сталинская вахта" 27. July 1944. 2 pages
The Artillery - history, and rules of Soviet artillery in pre-war time. Issued in 1938. The cover slightly damaged, but too rare to find book with interesting content. "Артиллерия" Государственное военное издательство Наркомата обороны Союза ССР/Москва 1938. 358 pages, size: 18х26,5cm
Red Fleet newspaper " Red Navy man newspaper" - Glory to our famous naval flyers!. Краснофлотская газета "За Сталина" 4. August 1944. 2 pages
M 43 field collar tabs artillery or armored personnel of RKKA for the overcoat. Baize cloth. We have few pairs. Price is for 1 pair.
RKVMF- Red fleet Officers Mess Hall Dinner plate pre-war made, bottom marked by Komintern factory Volhowo. Displays blue anchor and the Cyrillic abbreviation "RKVMF" - "РКВМФ" Workers' and Peasants' Navy. Very good condition very bright colors.
RKKA Dispatch riders or motorcyclist brown leather gloves. Uncleaned as found condition.
RKKA commander's and NCOs belt M 33 in excellent soft condition. The smaller size is 88, and the bigger is 103cm. Extra holes added by the officer during his service in ww2.
Combat chronicles of Estonian Guards Rifle Corps in RKKA in Estonian language 1945 year printed. Limited edition: only15000 examples.
Eesti Tallinna Kaardiväe Laskurkorpuse võitlustee. Боевой путь Гвардейского Эстонского Таллинского Стрелкового Корпуса, на эстонском языке. RK "Poliitiline Kirjandus"/Tallinn 1945. 248 pages, size: 16,5х23cm
"The course of chemical warfare agents" reference book for RKKA - 1940 year. "Kurs boyevykh khimicheskikh veshchestv"
"Курс боевых химических веществ" c элементарными общими сведениями из физики и химии, под общей редакцией В.М. Янковского. Военное издательство народного комиссариата обороны Союза ССР/Москва 1940. 410 pages, size: 15х22cm
Soviet RKKA Artillery or Armored troops overcoat collar tabs, field m 43. Mint. We have few pairs.
Soviet RKKA Infantry overcoat collar tabs, field m 43. Mint. We have few pairs.
Propaganda Book for Estonians in RKKA. "Pruun katk" (Brown Plague - Fascism) by Paul Rummo. ENSV Riiklik kirjastus/Moskva 1943. 64 pages, size: 10,5х16,5cm Published in Moscow, 1943.
German- Russian Phrasebook from the period of soviet occupation of Austria in 1945 year. "Deutsch-Russisch, Russisch-Deutschen" von Professor Adrian Fedorowsky. Leiter des russischen Sprachkurses dr RAVAG-WIEN, und Univ. Prof. Dominik Josef Wölfel. 2500 worte. Drucker und Verleger: Buchdruckerei Bruno Bartlet (A.u.F. Trupp), Wien XVIII im Selbstverlag. 62 pages, size: 10,5x14,5...
The RKKA booklet - " Fuse KTD" 1937 year. "Взрыватель КТД", special edition, USSR, Moscow, 1937. 20 pages, size: 13х17cm
Rare RKKA and Red Fleet songs book. 1931 year. "Песня бойцу", edition "Красная Звезда" (Red Star), Leningrad, 1931. 22 pages, size: 12,5х17cm
Soviet DB-3 bomber under the flak attack."17. Russischer Bomber hat angegriffen" von Fritz Brauner. Vom Vormarsch des 47. Panzerkorps im Osten, Russland. Size: 22x30cm. WW2 Reproduction.
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner" November, 28 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" . 2 pages
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner" December, 1 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики". 2 pages
Red Navy newspaper -"The Baltic submariner", December, 6, 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики", 2 pages.
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" November, 26 1943. 2 pages
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" November, 21 1943. 2 pages
Red Fleet newspaper- " The Baltic Submariner" September,12 1943. Краснофлотская газета "Подводник Балтики" 2 pages
Red Army sleeve patch for anti-tank artillery. Excellent condition
Soviet Artillery magazine. Release from nr. 1-12. Артиллерийский журнал. Выпуск с 1-12. Смерть немецким оккупантам! Воениздат НКО СССР/1943. Size: 16,5х25cm
Atrocities of nazy executioners - 1943 year. "Чудовищные злодеяния немецко-фашистских палачей" М.Н. Никитин и П.И. Вагин. По материалам и документам из оккупированных районов и городов Ленинградской области. Ленинградское газетно-журнальное и книжное издательство 1943. 174 pages, size: 15х21,5cm
Newspapers " Red Baltic Fleet" from April to December of 1943 year. Size: 29,5х41x6cm
Wartime Soviet shoulder straps for technical, chemical, signals troops. Mint condition
M 43 RKKA collar tabs for overcoat, combat engineers, chemical troops and technicians. Mint. We have few pairs in stock. Price is for one pair.
RKKA chemical, combat engineers and tech troops M 43 collar tabs for overcoat. Mint. We have few pairs in stock. Price is for one pair.
Red Army WW2 button for unifroms, 21 mm, steel made.
Photo of the staff of the 54th Guards Tank Brigade, 1944 year. Size: 14,5x10cm
Postcard. Series "Northern Fleet duty". The Marines are well in tactics at the Northern Front. In the photo: radio operators E. Chuikov, V. Kalachev and signalman Y. Boytsov point the artillery barrage. Goskinoizdat. Moscow. Printed 20000 L390 size: 9,5x14cm
Photo of a wounded Red Army Major in the field uniform size: 6x8,5cm
Photo ID of soviet artillery Lieutenant- colonel. The identity of lieutenant colonel Wolik Ivan Yakovlevich certified: Chief of Staff of 678 Artillery Brigade. Sealed by regiment: 1633 anti-tank anti-tank Artillery regiment. Signed: Major Lyalkinsize: 8,5x12,5cm
Photo from the archive file of artillery major Pobedinskiy. The revers inscribed: The person of Major Pobedinsky is confirmed by me - commander of the 44th Grtachevsky artillery regiment. size: 9x12cm
Soviet colonel photo from military file. Inscribed and sealed by Bobruisk military commissariat, size: 8,5x11,5cm
Photo of the RKKA chief staff at the headquarters with a map. Interesting poster with the German Pz-4 tank size: 11x8cm
Sealed and certified photo of armored troops colonel. The person of colonel Stcherban Savva Iosifovich certified by Guards captain Golikov. High officers school stamp is unclear. size: 8x11cm
Podpolkovnik of commissariat service awarded with polish Krzyż Zasługi and soviet awards. Certified photo from archive file. The person of Antarshinov Mikhail is attested by Guards captain Baba'l. Unclear stamp. The person of size: 8,5x12cm
Photo certificate to naval engineer-colonel, the head of field workshops of aviation of Pacific Fleet- Krestikov. The person and his signature attested by the head of repair department of naval air forces of Pacific Fleet - engineer-colonel Armeev. Stamped by the Management of naval air forces of Pacific Fleet , size: 8,5x11,5cm
Two RKKA armored troops colonels, the daughter's husband and father in law. However inscribed 1946 year, the medals of the victory over the Germany are not present, and most probably it's the end of the war, size: 10x8,5cm
RKKA Photo ID-the identity of the lieutenant colonel of the commissary service Zimovets. D.F certified by Lieutenant Colonel Kashin. Stamped by the official seal: military base number 36 17, size: 8,5x14cm
Infantry Battalion commissar or Intendant of 2nd rank of RKKA. 1931 year, size: 8,5x13,5cm
Colonel in M 43 uniform with orders of Kutuzov and Nevsky
size: 9x14cm
Photo of a medical senior lieutenant Kirillov certified by Acting Military Commandant of the City of Furstenwalde, Lieutenant Colonel Skoryak, sealed with the stamp: Office of the Military Commandant of the City of Furstenwalde (Germany), size: 8,5x13,5cm
Photos of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army Air Force. On the reverse inscribed "camp, 1937", size: 17x12cm
RKKA officers-cadets at high artillery school of the Red Army. The head of a group of representatives of the Artillery school of the Red Army - tactics instructor Colonel Gorbenko. October 1, 1946 the city of Kolomna VOASHSHKA. Name list of the cadets includes name of the hero of the Soviet Union, size: 17x12,5cm
Pilots of the Red Army Air Force in the squadron headquarters. Novgorod. July 20, 1928 size: 17x12cm
2 photos of the Anti aircraft projectorists (searchlight) of the Red Army. Signed on the reverse: 1939 maneuvers. Karelian Isthmus. size: 11x8cm
RKKA VVS soldier's tag, leave mark, 92 Air-force Fighter Regiment, zinc.
RKKA leave mark - tag, 6th communication regiment, У.В.О. (Украинский военный округ) - Ukraine Military District. Early type tag, it looks like Imperial Russia tag. It's a fact that at the beginning of 20'th in Red Army were still used fieldgear and personal items from old military stocks of Imperial Russia.
Extremely rare Russian experimental winter hat with visor, model 1941. Experimental design for Guard units. Has paper tag issued by RKKA Warehouse of samples and standards. Made by factory Красный Воин - Red Warrior. Information on the paper tag: Winter hat is made from instant fur with cotton top and visor. Time of registration: 1941. What purpose...
Teeth powder celluloid box, RKKA, pre-war made. Good condition.
Red Fleet man uniform for private in RKVMF. Very good condition with originally attached arm red stars.